Rwby fm - wolves win! at least it wasnt a ******* scumstomp

You can argue its fucking Wifom, and i cant say it isnt, but like

Do you honestly think in an already shitty position, i would jump further into that hole?

I literally was arguing and talking to Arctic on this read, also outside of Hippo, no one was actually pushing the slot really, they were contempt with him dying.


it doesnt do that though

you defend a villager who’s always flipping before you > you look good off that flip

Maybe i could have done more, but I tried to actually defend that slot, and get his ass out of being Misyeeted, and i still failed that/

Because if there’s no reason it’s not Blizer + Derps +1 then why don’t you just listen to me and Mistyx?

ok I have to go Do Activities In Real Life


while I’m doing that it would be cool if you would like

explain your general-approach-to-the-game as it evolved over time

example of what sort of explanation I'm looking for, I feel like I phrased the question badly

if anyone not named Blizer wants to do that that’s also cool

i was supposed to die n1 but now im here and i dont know what to do with my life

because I think it’s you

like ‘x team could viably be Mafia together’ is not going to be my basis for a vote, even if I decide to vote Blizer that won’t be why

Alright, ill give you my thought process in regards to this, likely a couple parts to this so yeah.

I came into the game trying to go through slots i feel like had the experince to see through Night’s PR cover, which were Marshal, Vul, and Hippo out of these 3. I also noticed how no one really kinda got sus over Eli after Wazza dying, which looks really kinda bad for Eli there, so i was questioning to why he was not in the PoE at the time. I went through Hippo’s post to determine if he was a wolf or town, because from what ive seen before i entered the game, he felt pretty sideliney to me and Hes a pretty strong player that i wanted to figure out. Outside of one post i spotted which was meh, his Iso was pretty solid, and I read him as town, cause his progression, tone, behaviour and mind set were natural as hell, and i dont think W!Hippo honestly could pull off super well.

If I remember next, I believe i was seeing who was in the PoE, and who was the top wagon. I saw that it was PKR, and i also dove into his slots iso, also before i even came into the game, I was already reading his interactions with arctic and his mindset on this game. I realized from my past experinces with PKR and how he was acting this game already, I realized he was once again Misyeet bait, and I tried to talk and argue with Arctic in regards to PKR, trying to convince him that PKR is town, and again, was misyeet bait, arguing how PKR usually acts within these games and how his personality/mindset usually makes himeasy misyeet bait because of it. I believe after a bit, and with other slots not giving a shit and refusing to make re-evals, I had that realization that town is probably losing this game, becuase they are not trying to re-eval slots outside of the PoE or they were not active enough to interact with. I said to PKR “I do not think I can save your slot” because of this realization, I think thats where my Nihilistic view on this game really kinda started to form honestly, Knowing that a towny was about to get mis yeeted.

Ill be back in an hour i think, and i will my finish my thought process over the course of this game.

Who are my teammates?

I know the question sounds like a meme, but please take it seriously.

We’ve reached the point in the game when we need to solve the entire game, which is what I’ve been trying to do.

If you wolfread me, then you should also consider who my teammates could be. This is a bit of a goose chase considering I’m town, but I want to understand your mindsets.

Host Announcement


yes this was very important
i am very bored

And by the way, the Zori kill is easily explainable if you consider the fact Derps was neighborized.


Zori never said that. At any point.
Also, she, but that’s beside the point.

I’m trying to figure out if this is a perspective slip, and if it is, which way.

The whole Derps neighborizing thing is Mandela Effect at full capacity.

He was not.

I’m pretty sure I already said this.

But that’s the thing. We don’t know. But Marshal is the only person to say Derps was neighborized by Zori, claiming that somebody said it in the thread beforehand. Nobody did.

Which makes me wonder if it’s TMI and she knows who was actually neighborized, hence the weird mistake. Or if it’s a V perspective slip because she assumes Derps was the target based on something that doesn’t really exist.

he in this case is derps brah

zori claimed that derps was neighborizer and targetted zori

who is zori

also ur talking to mist who was literally neighborized??? we do know