Corrupt Votes FM - Day 6 (3/15) - Town wins by voting out town


I’m sorry for not really responding to it, I didn’t really feel like I had anything to say

But you at least know that what you said about Light/PKR not being scum is false right? Because in actuality those 2 have the highest probability of being scum.


skimmed through Gorta

like with Cloned I’m not really thinking post-by-post analysis is going to be useful here, as opposed to talking about the broader trends in his posts

relevant posts from Gorta D2/D3 (mostly, some posts are from other days)

so before I get into the details of my read on him I’m going to talk a bit about how he was in SFoL 64 which I cohosted, I know I shouldn’t be using meta as the basis for my read on people but I do actually think it’s relevant here

so in SFoL 64 some things that I noticed about his play were:

  • he blatantly TMI’d Helen as scum, like, he basically deathtunnelled her to an extent not really fitting with the strength of the logic behind it and then spent the rest of the game being like ‘well I pushed Helen so I can’t be scum.’ this has been pretty consistent across his wolf games.
  • his reads that game … lacked nuance? I’m not really sure how to explain it, but they weren’t very “sophisticated” in reasoning, it was basically like ‘this person is solving so they are town’.
  • he was really worried about appearances, and specifically about appearing consistent. example of what I mean:
  • he spent a lot of his posts on being performative in ways that didn’t actually advance the threadstate (tbf I’m pretty sure he does this as every alignment)

based on analyzing his play this game I think he is probably town (@spec chat: please do not roast me if this is wrong, I am trying my best this game).

the first couple reasons for this have to do with his general accuracy.

  • He completely ignored Wazza on D1, even when Wazza came under suspicion (bear in mind, that didn’t happen only at EoD, it happened in midday some too); based on how I’ve seen him as scum before I think that as scum he would have distanced more heavily from Wazza
  • his scumreads more generally this game have been awful, like depending on the alignment of the unflipped people they might actually be worse than just RNGing his reads. if you read through the dropdown, he expresses a scumread at some point on all of Moleland, Conduit, me, Leafia, and cheese. Every single person but cheese is 100 percent a villager from my PoV, and cheese is one of my stronger village reads. Gorta is not this inaccurate as scum, he’s the sort of person as scum who’s scared to be wrong about people because he thinks it will make him look bad.
    • ‘but what if he’s powerwolfing’ - I think it’s really unlikely that he would decide to change his playstyle so significantly from all of his previous games, for no real reason.
  • I also more generally think he would be more worried about consistency as scum – like, thinking back to the Moleland thing, he made literally no effort at the time to justify calling Moleland town and then voting him, this is a weak point but it’s very dissimilar to how he treated his reads in the SFoL, where he felt like he had to justify anything vaguely inconsistent
  • another random small point (I’m pulling this one out separately from the quotewall because it’s short)

I think this is very likely to be true because … why would you make that up … and I think it points slightly to him being town because unless all of the wolves randomly forgot that it was 36/12 a wolf probably would have known he was town

overall, I think Gorta is probably town, definitely would not vote there today

done with Gorta

next on the list is … Light



just to be absolutely sure, you were definitely targeted by Thug yesterday, right, and not by Votebuyer? (as in you were not … informed that your vote was bought…)

Fuck, I forgot to say it here.

Light D1 seems fine, not really overextending at all and nothing too sus stands out. The chart was made in a different game, so cannot use that to read this slot either way but I like it at least due to it being nice.

Light accepted misreading posts made by Moleland which was a good look but they did not follow it up by saying how it changes their read

This was a fair post and I do not think it is really pushing agenda because otherwise they would have likely pushed on SDA more, I think. IDK whether I am misinterpreting it a bit.

This is a bad look
They did this but in the middle of these posts voted for Gorta… like, wtf.
Why not vote their solid scumread aka SDA.

Also Light was off wagon with me so IDK how to feel. I feel like he is a fair suspect but I am highly disconcerted about the wagon D1 being pure.

I keep going back and forth on Derps’s inactivity because on the one hand I’m pretty sure wolves are in a better position right now and thus don’t really need to … do anything … but on the other hand he is literally at risk of getting force-replaced and I kind of think a wolf that was about to win would at least meet the minimum number of posts so as to avoid getting force-replaced so that they can be part of the win

I missed this response. I was asking why you scumread light so much because I’m behind on reading the thread.

Also where do I check for when day ends?

Ah, yes, me sheeping Arete by arguing and voting against the Moleland yeet. Of course.

I feel like you out of everyone here could understand being at work.

Voted Wazza while acknowledging they didn’t want to vote them, gives no reasoning, and I was townleaning Leafia.

In the middle I voted for gorta because he wasn’t giving me his reads
I said GTH
So I pointed the gun


I’m starting at EoD1 rather than on D2 like I was doing with the others, because his EoD1 feels super relevant to his alignment, actually

I am going post-by-post here because I think that’s going to be more helpful – his posts aren’t “summarizable” the way other people’s were

End of Day 1


so like

I don’t want to say that he’s 100 percent lockscum because only wolves defend wolves, because that’s kind of dumb

but I do think this is kind of sus, not because he was wrong, but because of how he handled it – part of that is for reasons that I’m going to get in later, but part of it is that the way he handled the Wazza wagon is different from how he handled every wagon not named ‘Wazza’

like, the closest thing we get to his treatment of the Wazza wagon, is his treatment of the Trochi wagon (which obviously can’t have been defending a partner, because Trochi is a dead villager):

where he does unvote, bring up the lack of resistance, and say that there not being much resistance points to Trochi being town

however, he brings a lot more resistance to the Wazza wagon (despite not, as far as I can tell, townreading Wazza?) than he does to the Trochi wagon, and additionally he doesn’t bring this resistance to other wagons – like, the cloned wagon was the top wagon for ?a while? (I don’t remember how long exactly) and yet he seemed basically unconcerned with that wagon and never brings up the possibility that it could be DADV

he also brings up low-content, mechposting, and not explaining reads as reasons to scumread Moleland:

two out of three of these reasons were … basically the case against Wazza (the last one wasn’t really a point against Wazza because Wazza just didn’t have reads period)

yet when these were brought up as points against Wazza he was super resistant to the wagon

important note (a.k.a. reasons why I’m not totally certain of this read):

to Light’s credit he did … have a reason … for defending Wazza like this and not defending other people like this (that is, it was Wazza’s birthday and that can explain the lack of content)

and there’s a part of my brain that’s like ‘ok but would Light really harddefend a partner like that :thinking:

but I’m not totally sure that applies? because most of the reasons he gives aren’t … about Wazza’s alignment … like as far as I can tell he doesn’t even townread Wazza, he never says ‘I don’t want to vote Wazza because Wazza is town’

the third thought I had is ‘maybe this makes him a wolf because no one has tried to push him on this blatantly sus progression’ but … I don’t actually think the wolves are really pushing people this game … so …

Day 2 stuff

this post is fine in a vacuum, marking it for later though

there’s a part of my brain that’s like ‘clearly Light killed Leafia because he thought Leafia was obvtown’ but I think that’s dumb

this is ~fine, could come from either alignment fairly easily. Moleland not being in the PoE is notable for later.

so then we get into his actual reads:

the thing I’m noticing is that he has a lot of reads like this, where he shades someone but doesn’t really call them a wolf. This is wolfy because it’s super common for scum to do that, to try to sort of soft push someone rather than actually saying ‘they are a wolf’ in order to avoid responsibility.

these are all sort of ‘fine, whatever’ posts although I’m not really sure where his progression on Conduit is – like, what happened to knock him down from ‘I see nothing in their ISO that can’t just be lol!newbtown’

this set of posts are more ‘shading people without ever really pushing them’ – like, as far as I can tell he never e.g. votes cloned, and basically just drops the subject

this is basically consistent with what I think wolves were doing yesterday

then we have these three posts on Conduit, I said earlier that I wanted to bring up inconsistencies with how he treated Wazza and everyone else – this is what I was talking about

when Wazza was getting wagoned the lack of resistance was evidence that he was town, and meant that he needed to try as hard as possible to stop him from getting wagoned

here when Conduit is getting wagoned he’s basically like ‘I didn’t like that there were so many people going for it beforehand for what I saw as minute evidence, but it makes a bit more sense now’ and leaves it at that

he also never really did anything to try to prevent the Conduit wagon, despite saying here that he hadn’t liked that there were so many people going for it beforehand – like, the most he did was ask why people are pushing Conduit and say that he thought Conduit was probably newbtown, he never tried to actively shift the wagon

Day 3 stuff

this is literally the only post I found notable on D3 at all

I’m trying to be charitable to him because the forum maintenance messed things up for everyone, but I’m pretty sure that wolves just did not care what was happening the last couple days, and we have Light … not caring what was happening the last couple days …

additionally, his treatment of the Mole wagon is super sketchy – he says he doesn’t agree with the wagon, but the extent of his attempt to change the wagon consists of dropping a vote on Derps and saying he doesn’t agree with the wagon

like, it’s not like Mole being the wagon was a weird flashwagon at the end of the day that he couldn’t have ever anticipated, and he tragically got dragged away from the game by IRL commitments before he could intervene

Mole was the top wagon for nearly the entire day. obviously different people have different playstyles but I’m pretty sure most people … care if their village reads are being voted out … and I find it suspicious that Light didn’t care at all, and just let the wagon on Mole happen, even though he allegedly disagreed with it


this is probably a wolf

summarized version of my points on Light, if you don’t want to read my entire wall:

  • he spent the entirety of EoD1 trying to shift the wagon off of Wazza despite not expressing a townread on Wazza. obviously villagers can be wrong/defend wolves but the extent to which he defended Wazza doesn’t make sense given that he never actually called Wazza town
  • his treatment of Wazza is inconsistent with how he treated literally everyone else this game that he supposedly townread, he tried as hard as he could to defend Wazza but did basically nothing to defend Mole when Mole was getting voted out despite allegedly disagreeing with the wagon
  • most of his reads aren’t real pushes, he just shades someone without really going anywhere with it. this is usually a sign of a wolf that wants to make villagers look bad but doesn’t want the responsibility of actually pushing for misexes


hi Light

can people please please talk to me about this read

I’ve been wrong about a lot of things this game and I think if I’m wrong here we basically just lose in most worlds

and I feel like the extent to which people have engaged with me today has been either

‘you were wrong a couple times so you are a wolf!!! dybu dabu dybu dabu’


‘vote Light or you are a wolf!’ (no offense Surge)

and I would like to be able to actually … talk through my reads and the reasoning behind them … so that I don’t mess up again



I have three people left to read through

I can do this

Hello. I gave more resistance against Wazza’s yeet because he literally had 25 posts for the entire day, and I didn’t see anything that made it a strong scumlean.