Corrupt Votes FM - Day 6 (3/15) - Town wins by voting out town

I suppose my opinion of MVP is different then others.
Go ahead. I’m curious.

essentially led the wazza lynch, was obvious town to me. Helped push the light wagon with u. Interacted with me in thread and was very town motivated in their reads. And won the game.

Compared to you who led the Light lynch, and didnt interact with me in thread. I thought ur accomplishments were good this game, but I think the main thing u missed when it came to my vote was the team player aspect. Like u didnt interact with me, not ur fault fb login, i know. But even after my death it seemed like to me u werent solving with the swuad but more did the seth solve and tried to strong arm the rest of the game into that mindset. Which did work out for the light lynch, but wasnt the best team move.

remember the award is best team player. MVP is best player. So not the same thing.

So MVP isn’t the correct term but rather BTP?

yup exactly

Well then yeah I don’t really do much as “team” so I see now.

Don’t interact enoufh

hey man theres always room for improvement, keep striding towards it.

They did, not. Fact don’t care about your opinions.


Surge played better. He also got night killed which means he had less time to convince everyone

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They played good, but Arete played better.

I’m willing to debate this later but I’m busy rn.

I honestly think people are survivor biased in Aretes favour.

Don’t get me wrong, Arete is a close second for me.

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We’re not survivor biased in Arete’s favor, they were just the objectively better player.

Since I have time right now, I can show this.

But they weren’t. They required the same mislynches as Surge to game solve and actually failed to win over other townies in Mylo to their side

That’s not their fault.

Arete was about as obvious town as a literal innocent child but cheese (and gorta, but less so) reluctantly refused to use common sense.

I know, but they definitely could have done more like refer to 3 dead townies which had Appel as scum and arete as town but they didn’t

Well, yes, they were too busy not being mislynched by willagers.

Besides, they didn’t have to because they had a solid scum case on Appel.

My point is i feel arete was 8/10 and Surge was 8.5/10

I honestly don’t know what Surge could do other than what they did tbh.

I mean, Arete also did things Surge didn’t that town should do.