Corrupt Votes FM - Day 6 (3/15) - Town wins by voting out town

Myself and Leaf have known each other for like… a few years at least.
We also do have a really good record with reading each other here.

They are quite relaxed, friendly.
Not really trying to stir the pot.

requires 7 points to buy, so it can’t be bought alongside triplevoter

/vote Arete

do you feel like explaining that vote


I like Arete’s look honestly. They seem pretty townie minded with their plan too.

I will not be buying this. Arete. In fact, I won’t be buying anything.

I have no clue what I’m doing and I don’t want to have 3 votes.

I feel like Arete’s trying a bit too hard to appear villagery with the vig idea.


Fair enough.

Nah, I think Arete is Town

walk me through your thought process here? why is it that, and not just … legitimately thinking it’s a good idea?

I’d appreciate the reasons.

to be fair
if everybody has 3 votes
that means that you can hammer extremely fast on accident

I don’t think scum would direct themselves instantly into getting everybody to get the Triplevoter. It’s pretty simple, they’d be putting themself in a very bad spot.

Like, you just started off talking about this from the get-go and then you just keep bringing this up. It’s as if your objective in making these posts is to convince people to townread you for having the village’s best interests in mind over crafting a good plan that’s +EV to us.

…I brought it up again because I was responding to Wazza’s question…

I am Town.
Your Welcome.

My activity is gonna be low effort.

I still am skeptical of it in general.

Hello Town.

What about my welcome?

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