Corrupt Votes FM - Day 6 (3/15) - Town wins by voting out town

But I’ll try to be more active later on if possible.

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We all know your gonna go for the solo Neut win.
We will just get rid of you after the mafia are dead.

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If I were going for it then I’d just have never claimed.

How so?
It seems like a safe gamble. No one could CC you.

Surge, there’s no solo neut win this game.

I feel like you’re not really trying to read into my reasoning here but rather coming up with an explanation and looking for ways that my play could fit into that explanation (as opposed to starting with my play and trying to figure out what explanation makes the most sense)

@ChopChop fyi this was a grammar joke

Oh yeah your right.

Surge do you have reads on people other than Alice

I haven’t read shit so what do you think?

the game thread is literally 130 posts

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I mean I think leafia looks promising but they are still a Null.

It’s not just that. I felt that the Eli townlean was done with a fairly weak reasoning being that I’ve seen him post a lot more as wolf as well.

And I’m on break at work.

…okay, but again, you’re not trying to read into my motivation, you’re starting with an answer and trying to find evidence to fit it

like … your argument here would rely on the assumption that I was deliberately ignoring SFoL 63, rather than just forgetting that he had a lot of posts there, and also ignores the fact that I walked back the read somewhat after you pointed out that he’d been posting a lot in SFoL 63

Ok I decided to read it.
Leafia is Tone Town.

Only one I’m confident in.

It’s paranoia. I’m pretty sure you can do better than this.

/vote Leafia

@ChopChop GTH, what’s my alignment?