Corrupt Votes FM - Day 6 (3/15) - Town wins by voting out town


where’d you go

He first pinged me with his opening posts. I can’t point to anything in particular, just a gut feeling that something was off. So I voted them to focus their mind a little. That attracted Wazza instantly which was weird.

Later I decided Wazza (60% sure) was scum, even if I thought Gorta was more likely to flip scum (65%). How Conduit handled the Wazza vote was awful and his subsequent explanations unsatisfactory.


this question sounds super baity and Seth is definitely going to take it out of context but I promise I have a reason for asking it:

are you worried about the possibility of them flipping town?

Define ‘worried’

like, the normal English meaning of the word?

maybe a better way of phrasing it is ‘are you worried about how you’ll look if he flips town’ but that’s loaded as hell and I want to phrase it in a not loaded as hell way (like … this is not supposed to sound like a threat …)

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No, I’m not worried how I’ll look if he flips town. I’m pretty sure he won’t though. I’m willing to be held accountable in any case.


why (as in for what reason) do you think I’ve been asking you these questions?

To figure out my motivations?

okay but like

more specifically

or is that your most specific guess (it’s fine if it is, it’s not like you’re being graded on this or anything :upside_down_face:)

To see if you understand my viewpoint?..

This slot is most likely town, but for the wrong reasons. I do like the changes in tone and determination . I feel like Seth believe what he says and is actually trying to lead the town. He is just Seth and I feel like he is doing the usual Seth things. Seth is a higher up TR for me as of now

uh sorry, I had an interview for a thing at my uni and wasn’t able to write up my conclusions from that chat with Mole

okay so basically some of Mole’s comments on Conduit were pinging me as specifically wolf-bussing-a-partner, like, he basically took a couple points against Conduit and started tunnelling him without ever really considering the possibility of him being town (specifically it was giving me bussing vibes as opposed to pushing-a-misexe vibes because of how he was basically treating a Conduit scum flip like a foregone conclusion)

but that’s, uh, kind of tinfoily, and also a preflip on both of them, so I asked him some questions about it to try to figure out if there was anything to it (I wanted it to be real time so that he was less able to figure out what specifically I was looking to see him say)

anyways I think this dumb tinfoily theory was probably not actually true, a couple comments made me think it wasn’t the case:

the last sentence of this seems probably unnecessary to write if you have TMI that someone is going to flip scum?

and then these two posts seem genuinely confused. I don’t think Mole would be confused about why I was asking these questions if he and Conduit were both scum and he were bussing Conduit

so basically I’m pretty comfortable calling the two of them not W/W from this

inb4 V/V and this entire post was totally useless

Be a weird world where I bus both my team mates

Yeah and quite honestly I thought I understood the direction Arete was going but turns out I didn’t.
Thought he was seeing your reaction of how you would treat a Conduit Flip to see what PoV you have and if your Genuine towards the read. I think only Scum!Arete thinks of comparing this as W/W as the route he was going didn’t seem to be that one and it just doesn’t feel like it comes from a Town Mindset? It feels like he’s just trying to look productive rather then actually trying to properly generate conclusions. (Like W/W ain’t something you really need to concern yourself about so the point of that was well… Pointless.)
Arete is probably going to kill you tonight if he still wishes to keep me alive. (Which I wouldn’t mind living lol)

So I’ll say something Conduit can’t understand how to say.
My Arete SR Increased
Remember this Bolded Word as it’s something you should be using to justify some of the things you have done this game but instead decide to give me something that doesn’t make sense.

But you instead decided*


what does your PoE look like right now?


same question

Ok, my readslist has increased to Arete, Seth. Alice, Light, SDA, Leaf and Conduit as non scum.
I think cloned is scum. Elu could be too but idk.

Will explain in a bit and do the full tier list

really interested in hearing your explanation on Derps, I haven’t heard much to move the needle either direction

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