Corrupt Votes FM - Day 6 (3/15) - Town wins by voting out town

Vote Count

Accused Voters Number
PKR Lemon 1/4
Appel Arete,gorta 2/4
Arete cheese 1/4
[Not Voting] Appel, PKR

…i need more activity

@PokemonKidRyan if you are decided on your vote could you place your vote?
@Appelsiini good morning!

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Reminder than Day 5 ends once someone has majority vote or 2020-10-13T08:00:00Z.

Going to sleep at 11:30PM was not a good idea
It’s 7AM and I’m tired

I read through everything but ugh

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hi Appel

I’m leaning towards you being the most likely wolf at the moment

can you convince me otherwise

I could have done but I would like to avoid early hammer jic

i mean
I don’t think Early hammer’s going to be a thing

there’s 1 scum alive and the noot is already voting appel
gorta is afk

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…Actually no, I was gonna ISO Gorta and go over my reads with the time I have.
I read the comparison things you wrote and some other stuff but, what prompted this change of mind?

you have
3 hours
i advise you to hurry

I think they had you as top scum since beginning of day

I lied it was PKR

more to read

I looked through Light’s interactions with everyone and there’s some interactions with you that are kind of sketchy

and PKR semi-“feels like” a villager

I don’t know

I’m not very confident in it being you, I might change my mind by EoD

Right, I remember that.

Not gonna quote because mobile and scrolling is bleh, but did you also remember the fact that I called him out on that post immediately afterwards?

hi hello Appel

any comments on my case against Arete/Lemon

and any change on who you wanna vote out today

Umm… I’ll switch to my computer. One sec.

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can you quote the specific post you’re thinking of? I do remember you saying that his read on you seemed like possible TMI

This one. Quoting summaries is weird.

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well I meant quote your response but fortunately that was really easy to find from the post itself



what were your initial thoughts/reactions when Light flipped scum?

My first thoughts were basically just “oh… okay.” I felt a bit uncomfortable that I had made the wrong conclusion about him, but then I quickly skimmed his posts again and it quickly turned into annoyance that I should’ve focused more on the things that made him look bad.

In short, the reaction could be summed up with this:
Light flipping wolf was very bleh.

