Corrupt Votes FM - Day 6 (3/15) - Town wins by voting out town

I swear I keep saying this will be the last thing I say about you, but I am fine with you dying today because I think you could be scum claiming noot (it’s possible that the noot is siding with you) or that you could be claiming townsided, but are actually scumsiding to live. I suppose you could be townsiding, but I have too much paranoia regarding your slot. If we don’t do something in the first few days you become unlynchable due to your claim.

tie vote just to spite alice

Light as his wolfgames have far less interaction than here and he just aimlessly floats in the thread shitposting. Conduit for tone.

You could be a wolf, how about we lynch you?

how about
we tie vote
between you and gorta
and then both of you die
if you’re intent on pushing this of course

I was explaining my reasoning for suspecting you. I just simply don’t believe a noot that can choose sides wouldn’t auto pick scum when they like to win and scum wins most games here.

Are you braindead? I’m one of the few people trying to solve the game. Lynch me and gl trying to win the game by random lynching.

yeah ik it was basically a joke

You could flip scum, so you should die.

That’s literally the logic you’re using. You’re not trying to see if I’m posting in good faith or not.

i knew you probably weren’t actually going to lynch gorta
so i made a partial joke about it

Now hush and start reading other people.

I’m not really comfortable clearing Conduit for tone when they have 7 posts, in my experience it’s easier to have good tone when you aren’t posting very much

I will take a look at your slot, but the reason I suspect you so much is because of your claim. If you didn’t claim anything I wouldn’t be suspecting you at all right now. Well, I might suspect you, but it would be for your posting and not your claim. The logic that I am using indicates that it’s illogical for you to town side if you have the choice and it’s also something you would claim as a wolf.

You’ve done nothing this match except wanting to lynch a 3p claim. If you don’t start solving the game, you’re going to be lynched. Plain and simple.

I would not claim 3p as a wolf. How many times do I have to fucking reiterate?! That would mean I’d die the moment the actual 3p flips.

I am going to take a break from this, but when I get back I will try my best to ignore Alice’s slot and make reads

That’s NAI for me, I am a lazy bastard that finds it hard to get motivated

self meta bad

Soo… thread has only 400ish posts and like well over a third of them are just me and Arete.

Frankly if you only plan on 10-posting today then don’t so we can actually get a readable player in your slot.

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Who are you SR’ing rn?

apologies for being less active than usual, haven’t been able to access my computer and mobileposting is something i like to avoid if at all possible.

this being said, i have some more Thoughts about Wazza’s slot now. i still don’t like his iso, for reasons i’ve already mentioned. but the devil-may-care attitude displayed here:

strikes me as town with a lack of WiM possibly upset to get a green rolecard or just discouraged that he’s doing too much. i’d think mafia would provide a better defense to not be a wagon for today?
i also don’t like that his wagon is forming so quickly with no notable objection to it, this could be an easy thing for wolves to jump onto.