Corrupt Votes FM - Day 6 (3/15) - Town wins by voting out town

If Arete is scum, he will make it clear to me.
RN he’s a hard Null.

Hard Null


Spite Vote against me I suppose?

@Arete GTH who’s Town here (you can’t say yourself)

sort of

I’ve noticed that when you’re town you tend to chainsaw-defend your townreads (e.g. in SFoL 62 when you accused Emilia of being scum because she thought UT was scum) so I was curious how you would react to me voting her

Eli’s given me some light townpings

/vote PKR

this wagon is still fine

Am at work til 9
See ya nerds

I GTG back to work now

bad meme


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Not sure what’s up with Arete’s voting patterns, but Surge is giving me a slightly scummy vibe as of right now. As town, he tends to be a bit more invested in the game than this.

more like
me as wolf

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Anyone else getting questionable vibes from Aroot
Seems pretty overzealous
Maybe I just didn’t have enough sleep and any kind of activity looks over the top to me

Interaction with Surge, PKR, and Alice seems overacting

I don’t plan on death tunneling anyone this game either.

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Vote Count

Accused Voters Number
No Lynch PKR 1/8
PKR EliThePsycho, Arete 2/8
Troch Light 1/8
Alice Moleland 1/8
Arete Alice 1/8

My take on Arete’s plan is it is in essence villagery, however it seems like something they came up with pregame and is therefore nai.

Oh wow game really started quicker than i thought :stuck_out_tongue:

alright, guess which really oddly named bird overslept her “quick nap?”

Presenting: the SoD Semi-Wall

we need to talk about mechfuckery. yes, this game has all the fancy votebuying, stealing, etc and i knew it’s what drew some of you in the first place.

however, we cannot let this mech shit turn into the be-all-end-all method for scumhunting. SFoL64, mechfuckery fucked me hard (it’s in the name) to the point where i could barely focus on reading socially at all, and have NK the win.

i’m not saying don’t talk about mech, of course not. what i’m saying here is we cannot let mechanics be the focus of our reads like what always happens here.

minor salt over.

as promised i hardclaim D1 Pret never retracting sorry Alice

69420 fuck you