Corrupt Votes FM - Day 6 (3/15) - Town wins by voting out town

Tomorrow I want to take a closer look at Appel and re-evaluate some slots, but for now I am tired

large confusion
Are you’re sure you’re in the right game buddy?

I just took a look at the other game
Gorta isn’t alive and mole isn’t playing so it was the right vote with the wrong ping

And thus

/vote an_gorta_pratai @CRichard564 @Zone_Q11 if I am not already

that is

actually a pretty good point

thinking noises

Vote Count

Accused Voters Number
Moleland Arete, Alice,Gorta 3/6
cheese Derps 1/6
Derps Moleland 1/6
Light Light 1/6
PKR Surge 1/6
Gorta Cheese 1/6
[Not Voting] DatBird, Appel, PKR, 3

he didnt even update his mole read, it is kinda weird that he just votes them. My brain says bus, but im not sure. Dont understand the astand vote other than being tired

I think from the actions shown by gorta (easily conforming to a scumread on Arete based on insanity kill, unexplained voting patterns), I think gorta is 100% scum.

The other scum, in my opinion, is split between Derps who hasn’t been contributing to the thread and Arete (new 2nd place) based on VCA.

If Arete is indeed scum then I think it’s fair to assume all of Mole’s wagon is scum; even if not, I think that still leaves room for Alice scumside if Moleland is indeed town.

ew new update

ok got distracted by phasmaphobia and got killed by ghosts twice, time to keep reading old thread

anyone around? reading up and currently not a fan of eli

I’m currently here

wat dis

scary ghost hunting game on steam

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eh currently im like between like eli mole and like derps as lynches id be find with

thoughts on gorta?

so far hes like super bland and forgettable, wouldnt be out of poe.

thinking the conviction cheese is showing on his Gorta read is another good look for him

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im back into anti-powerwolf mode so i take this as pocketing ):<

to make sure i dont break rule
/vote Mole
im fine with like eli (pre apple), mole, gorta, or derps

Vote Count

Accused Voters Number
Moleland Arete, Alice, gorta, DatBird 4/6
cheese Derps 1/6
Derps Moleland 1/6
Light Light 1/6
PKR Surge 1/6
Gorta Cheese 1/6
[Not Voting] Appel, PKR