Corrupt Votes - Spectator Chat

ok pigeon
why did alice hardclaim 3p as her first post of the game, when no one else posted, as mafia

light scum
soulread says so

i was blind vulgard
but now i See

this is epic

and why has cloned spent so much time pushing his partner (who hardclaimed 3p) instead of pushing a townie
what’s the point

you could say he’s trying to distance with his partner in case of a townsiding 3p’s counterclaim but in that world it’s going to quickly become suspicious that he hasn’t died


appel not posting in this situation is genuinely >rand w assuming no outside interference

light is mean we need to bully him smh my head

she doesn’t have to post
nobody’s looking at her
she doesn’t need to solve
her partner light doesn’t need saving
town are already wagoning other town

this is the dream gamestate for mafia
it’s what i replaced into in hpfm which is why i did next to nothing in that game
i didn’t need to bother
i just wagoned a town to save my partner at eod2 and it went over so easily i was baffled

a town who wasn’t even around at eod mind you

he really had the nerve to pocket me
i mean clearly it worked
but i’m ignoring that

it’s the best way to handle people who read you well
pocket them so they doubt themselves because they want you to be town

this isn’t a meme i think this is true

oh i know it’s not ):<
that’s literally what happened i’m super easy to pocket if my last 2 games are any indication

but why tf does a light/appeli team kill insanity

though i guess if they are pocketing you specifically it’s a :b:ocket instead

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appel wasn’t in the slot at the time so it’s a light/eli team

new idea: i always scumread his soulreadin ass no matter what
problem solved :+1: