Corrupt Votes - Spectator Chat

insanity looked very good in interactions/behavior both ways
not a super high level kill but not a bad kill either

well light does kill weird people as scum tbh
still not sure bout that N1 fol30 kill lmao

what was the kill

intensify lol

ahh yes the one where we shanked Intensify

was… intensify clear or something?
a pr hunt?

he was intensify

we could’ve used it to yeet Alice if I paid enough attention.

ok zoomer.

could’ve potentially won you the game if you managed to kill alice there

i’m not saying the insanity kill fully implicated him but i really should’ve thought about that

also don’t convert seth if people who can read him are in the game
advice for the future
it wasn’t terrible but it should’ve been done in a different playerlist

in short when you vanity search light
fuck you ;-;

lol ok can’t convince light when I’m dead

i will psychically pressure him not to
he can read my mind anyways :woman_shrugging:t3:

Prove it


that’s harsh

i actually can :eyes:

That was… not what I was expecting.