Corrupt Votes - Spectator Chat

Well then: Who will live? Who will die? The answer all depends on the votes!
It’s not about who’s right or wrong, but about who has the most votes!
Mwahahaha! Let the heads chop one by one!

this is exactly what i predicted
arete left alive to create paranoia
cloned tunneling
appel doesn’t need to do anything
there’s also option 2, that being pkr

this’ll be a scum win

i think arete is capable of finding pkr here
pkr just needs to allow himself to be found

arete i’m sending you my energy like i did in semis

i unironically believe that pkr has already allowed himself to be found today but idk if arete has the same opinion

seriously, who’s lemonfairy?

Someone from NUF. Why do you ask?

i don’t mind them being here i was just curious where they came from

Uh… okay.

Apparently Lemonfairy is someone Zone found from NUF and is new here.

The safest yeet would be lemon now so scum has to get rid of town.

that’s what I’m trying to explain to deadchat but they won’t listen.

and by they I mean Leafia.

Leafia is in deadchat?

Oh yeah i forgot this is spec chat

Leafia has been dead since n2.

What is NUF?

Novel Updates Forum.
It’s a website you can play mafia on. Similar website to this one.

I’m pretty sure Appel only did that because they didn’t know Surge had taken revenge on Light by stealing his vote.

Not saying it was stolen by exactly Light, but definitely Light/Appelsiini.