Corrupt Votes - Spectator Chat

would you post after D1?


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I think she can?
But like
If shes telling the truth abt those points she either sided w or didnt buy something she said she did

Idk bruh
I dont remember how many points she said she had

I honestly think it’s possible alice knows who the wolves are but isn’t outing

if I figured it out so easily
she can too

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I mean if youre right

99% sure she said the points thing to trochi lol

Someone else can do the math for how many points she should have

If she’s townsiding, she should have 8. If she’s scumsiding, then 11. She shouldn’t have 9.

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Does that take into acct the things she said she bought?

I havent paid much attn to that

alice wolfsiding 3p is actually genius here
she can pretend she doesn’t care about the game (which is pretty much how she plays most 3ps) as long as the mafia are not suspected
and because of lolwillage… she doesn’t have to care about the game
which will make her not caring more genuine and less likely to get her killed

ew who let vul in here

I did, they have same reads as me.

confirmation bias, smh

Oh DatBorb is :wolf: now.


can i say my alignment or is that bad

my dude i’d have been having a lot more fun if this happened

You cannot, no.

I’m pretty sure I know, though.

oh i see
also hey i don’t think we’re that cringe
our soulreads are mostly meme considering we haven’t actually played a full game together and neither of us want to risk actual game things with a Meme :tm:

Who is we?