hard to say
he has potential to be super good but theres very little sample size and his mindset/self confident is horrid
but uh, i doubt we’ll be seeing him again so
i’m gonna take a break from fm at least until i
- feel like myself again
- spec more games to actually be decent
like idk if it’s because i’m vulgard but i just know what mafiarete wants to do and i can catch them doing it for that reason
it’s like mafiarete is an extension of myself
chili can I also tell you a secret
if it’s ily
being wrong or misyeeted in a forum mafia game does not make you less of a person
oh i know that i’m just talking about irl things rn
I guess I am cringe then.
welcome nerd
DatBird Cuss Count
Shit = 3
Fuck = 2
Ass = 1
Looser D: = 1
thats like
3 more shits and 2 more fucks than normal
fucking shit, dat
I love how the ‘ass’ is normal.
my name is now torch
my phone autocorrects torch to troch now
I mean it is good, no judgement there
tf am i supposed to say that is my normal personality