Corrupt Votes - Spectator Chat

we must suffer more

on a sidenote, im still surprised alice sided town

arete right
pls listen

i don’t know why she sided town tbh

d1 wolf exe is enticing but it’s still FoL town

altho tbh the best wolf of the 3 getting exed D1 is pretty :joy_cat:
but theyll still win

tbh I thought Alice would just play like she did and pick maf instead because loltown

although with the whole modconfirmed thing this was maybe a good choice?

id always pick wolf in this setup

because 11v4 is wolfsided as shit and with a d1 wolf exe it’s still 10v3

gorta carry gorta carry

they also get until the end of night two to pick and D2 wasnt a wolf yeet

still fancy the odds of picking wolf going into 8v3 instead of 9v2

fol town

that’s all i have to say

Meh. Why don’t you just ask @Alice herself?
Had she scumsided then she would’ve been able to end the game around D4.

gorta pls snapvote Appel

alice hasnt been talking here so i imagine she isnt paying much attention

but i’d like to hear her thoughts on picking town over wolf here

gorta let me hug you

Only now does he realize that.

FWIW, she made her choice at N1.

She could do that after her exams are done, I suppose.

see it’s looking good now
but appel will show up and this will change immediately

A wolf died n1.



Wait, you can edit posts? Is this something all guides can do?