Countries FM - Informed Spectator/Dead Chat

wait so the neighbourhood had nothing in common?

Starting neighbourhood was 3 town and 1 scum.

PKR and YbW have died and Vulgard dies to bleed N4.
Oh and Vulgard is the lone scum in the neighbourhood.

min’s claim is a mistake imo, he can’t endgame with this.

I’m talking about flavor

And he probably contradicted it in numerous posts.

I feel really bad that Gorta has a completely useless role

Isn’t it fitting though.

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i’m predicting NK win tbh

there’s no way they can get kyo killed and he’s in a much better position than all remaining wolves except vulgard but that doesn’t matter since he bleeds out tonight


Vul could out Kyo before he dies but

Idk if he does

I’m also leaning NK win, Vulgard is the only one who is suspicious of Kyo and idk if he told the neighborhood or wolves about it.

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Oh PKR is Greece, Vulgard is Vietnam, Nightingale is South Korea and Ybw is Belgium.

he won’t because he still thinks there’s a chance he could be healed

but yeah really for any chance of us to win they’d have to kill kyo today so claiming mafia and saying kyo is nk would actually be better if it got kyo killed (lol)

Whysper role copped Kyo and therefore they all know Kyo is NK.

I think mafia loses if kyo is to be lynched today.

For Vul to claim mafia actually, yeah, since he’s about to bleed out. But idk if he still thinks there’s a healer? Maybe he’s realized if there were a healer still, he would’ve been healed last night.

Kyo could easily push min here as their claim is weak sauce.

don’t think that’s necessarily true

right now we’re at 11p, 3v1v7

Kyo gets voted out -> 3v7

Vul bleeds, someone dies to the factional -> 2v6

at that point wolves just need to get two miselims to win

Nightingale, Light (post Min flip, requires Min to go over before Whysper), Gorta, TL are all miselimable in this gamestate

I should mention Whysper’s claim should be suspicious to everyone else in the thread, though if they do catch on 1/3 of Whysper’s voters will be day vigged.