Countries FM - Informed Spectator/Dead Chat

eevee this chat is informed

you can see everyone’s roles around post 56

i decided to kill you because i figured you’d recognize that

well then.

possibly the least deserved town win next to corrupt votes which was won with a mislynch in final 4 because of game mechanics

there’s still a possibility they screw it up but i find it unlikely that they will

min and whysper?



Also I was pretty sure you will kit rat due to them being only person who bring in any info.

i figured that rat was a social nobody in comparison to you and i also figured that the mechcop has been useless this entire game so it probably wasn’t a huge risk to leave them alive in the end

the lack of consistency about whether or not to buss me was what initially caused our downfall, because it made astand look sus, and kyo said he rampaged astand because he thought he was mafia, and happened to kill centuries as well because he was tailoring him

so in a way, that buss caused all 3 of us to die

on the other hand this in no way excuses how unfair NK is for mafia to deal with and he ended up killing another 2 scum (you and min) unrelated to the buss

when you said tl was outed i was like “hm ok?” internally

i honestly wanted to go all in but i felt bad
i didn’t want to strongarm “my way or the highway” in wolfchat

also like
i assume you’ve been reading wolfchat but mechanically we shouldn’t have done this so that’s 100% on me

it would have been better for us if you went all in and astand was in on it too

so i would have cared less and thus you wouldn’t feel as bad

yeah i know we should have bussed dota’s slot but it’s quite hard to do so when he has like 10 posts

i would like to bring attention to the fact that the nk killed 4/6 wolves by themselves while town has killed 0

lol at leafia being like “of course vulgard was scum”
you know, leafia, the person who claimed mason and did fuck all after that
didn’t even do anything in the thread to push me

I didn’t get why they claimed mason.

Like I knew I was most likely role copped but… them outing was pointless.

Did min just randomly confirm another person?

… ok?

well i’d like to think i learnt a lot from this game

  1. nk is bad
  2. i’m bad
  3. when there are like 5 active town you shouldn’t focus on bussing and instead try to kill the few town actually doing stuff. then it should be easy sailing after that

yeah i was thinking this too

she did the same thing the day after cloned got killed saying he was obvious town and she couldn’t believe why he was killed, even though she hardly contributed there either

Really unimpressive tbh.

By all sides of this game.
Meh, whatever.

At least I calculated stuff correctly and decided not to kill.

Kinda sad that NK didn’t survive, that would let me to shoot AND force Kyo to try to hurt another mafia.

Like it really didn’t matter who is eliminated instead of Kyo, that would still give us one more kill.