Countries FM - Informed Spectator/Dead Chat

can you like take this to dms

because i dont think this is the place for it

TBE wasn’t in the game?

Also, another thing was refusing to fix my flavor.

I’m being pushed as NK and my flavor is… scum flavor when I’m town for some reason?

And you publicly say that flavor is game relevant to add to this and you let town having scum flavor?

Like wtf?

I meant YBW. But yeah.

you didn’t shoot YBW?

wait, Worse died to mod error?


take this to dms

No, I cannot becouse I was forbiden from talking to Wazza.

YBW was not a valid target.

He made it a valid target, despite knowing it’s not.

ok firstly, why.

secondly what are you actually trying to achieve here?

I actually don’t understand what you’re saying. Do you mean because of the post count error where he essentially let you vig anyone in the game?

Again, I cannot.
I was forbiden to talk to Wazza.

I was given no help this game.
When I’m pushed as NK and cannot even claim, becouse host refuses to give me actually valid flavor, which forced ATN to out as cop with check on me.

When I’m solving and giving fake information, which only wasted my time and host was meming from it at dead chat at the same time.

This game was bullshit form my PoV.

I see 4 places at which host made decision which benefited scum.
And all 4 are provable.


what are you actually trying to accomplish here

you were night killed, though, not day killed, so I don’t really understand why you’re complaining that you had no help?

I’m saying that Wazza made a rolecard error in my role, which was meant per post, not to the power of post.

He processed my shot on town as to the power of post, letting it past AND THEN trying to instantly lower it down to previous processing way.

If you know it’s wrong, you don’t let one action go wrong and then set up so there no other can go like that.
You either play one or other way.

I had to get Dat’s help for them to back out on changing it again.

again eevee

what are you trying to accomplish here.

OH. Ok, I didn’t know that. All I knew was that he said in dead chat that he made a mistake with writing the exponent instead of multiplication, and that he couldn’t do much about it since he already put it in your rolecard.

Could you just resolve this with Wazza somehow, though, instead of reiterating it here in the dead chat?

flavor was alignment indicative
not role indicative

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I’m trying to tell you that this game was far from neutral.
That host was making decision which were hurtful for town.

And he actually claimed to do so to begin with.

It’s unable to be fixed by now.

But I’m very annoyed at any discussion that someone just deserved win more, so they won.
If they deserved the win, they would win it by themselfs.