Countries FM - Informed Spectator/Dead Chat

I guess YBW also had fun dying over mod error.

I guess I also had fun when I was forced to fakeclaim stuff due to host mod error.

I guess you also had fun that I had to literally meme whole game about my role, becouse I was unable to claim stuff?

The way I see it, actively ignoring the problem always makes it worse.

i get why youre mad he changed what feedback he got

but the host has a responsibility to give all the teams a chance



you can get mad about mod errors, but crying over the mech oracle info is not gonna endear the mods to your side.

but Eevee, if you had been prevented from vigging Worse, who would you have vigged instead that would have been better? Did you have anyone on your readlist who had less than 60 posts by then who you thought should have been vigged?

Yeah, slightly adjusting info is not modifying at all.

nice ignoring my argument :slight_smile:
mech info cannot be modified.

There you have it.

considering the error wasn’t fixed, you had a free choice to vig literally anyone in the game, including mafia who had also posted over 60 by then, and anyone else would have died besides Kyo in that case. But you picked Worse who happened to be town, and now you complain that it should have been prevented.

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this is like getting mad that the savant does not get game winning info literally every game.

The host has a responsibility to balance the game.

yes I know, I meant in dead chat. Let her decide for herself if and when she catches up on reading here. complaining in the game thread doesn’t amount to much.

honestly tho, that turns it into a vig who can’t shoot Day 1

I think that Wazza shouldn’t have changed the feedback from the feedback he said during the review process that he was going to give but I also don’t think we can really step in to say ‘hey Wazza, you know the feedback you already gave Rat? give them more feedback’ because giving Rat two pieces of info in a day (1) contradicts their role, (2) would give an advantage to town that they aren’t supposed to have (since the oracle is only supposed to get one piece of feedback a night), and (3) would likely lead to people angleshooting the legitimacy of Rat’s role.

I’m more complaining that he tried to fix it AFTER a kill went trough.

He waited for kill on town to happen to mention to me that it was wrong to begin with.

yeah, but that’s the thing, it was supposed to be an inactivity vig anyway and not a “shoots literally anyone” vig.

Is it possible he didnt notice?

Did you mention this to him before?

tbh i assumed that it worked like savant

where the storyteller makes info up on the fly

why would you review the info beforehand?

if you mean whether he noticed the error, he mentioned it in dead chat before Eevee had selected a target.

And he didnt fix it?

alright that does seem a bit yikes.


Rat is dead, with arguments like “all your info is fakable” being used amon g others for thiers lynch.

This already did affect a game.
Not only giving more argument for Rat, not only removing Rat’s motivation.
But also actually removing one confirmed town from F3.

Cause if Rat had check on gorta or Night… there would be one confirmed town in F3.
Which there is none rn.

That was HEAVY swing.