Countries FM - The Cold War - Game Over - Communism is Victorious! - (2/24)


I’ll be spending most of tomorrow studying and taking tests

Anything important ping me and I’ll Probabaly respond

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Scurry back in my pocket please it’s nice and comfortable
Time for rat to do the ketchup of the century

Accused Voters Count
Majora KyoDaz, Leafia, min, EliThePsycho 4/13
clonedcheese TrustworthyLiberal, Vulgard, sculptordwarf 3/13
Leafia Solic, Centuries 2/13
ElithePsycho Mistyx, Light 2/13
sculptordwarf rat 1/13
dota astand 1/13
No Elimination clonedcheese 1/13
Not voted Ami, AtNoName, dota, PKR, WindwardAway, ArcticXI, Majora, an_gorta_pratai, Eevee, YouButWorse 10

what is thy reasoning

i require reasoning

S T A T I S T I C S time

mistyx 8/75 = 10.7%
clonedcheese 5/49 = 10.2%
vulgard 4/49 = 8.16%
astand 8/100 = 8%
solic 2/32 = 6.25%
atnoname 2/39 = 5.13%
elithepsycho 3/65 = 4.62%
leafia 2/47 = 4.26%
centuries 4/99 = 4.04%
majora 1/36 = 2.78%
sculptor 4/145 = 2.76%
kyodaz 1/46 = 2.17%
min 3/156 = 1.92%
youbutworse 1/55 = 1.82%
trustworthy 1/56 = 1.79%
light 1/56 = 1.79%
rat 1/152 = 0.66%
gorta 0/18 = 0%
pkr 0/22 = 0%
eevee 0/39 = 0%
arctic 0/56 = 0%
dota 0/72 = 0%
windward 0/80 = 0%

/vote rat @CRichard564

i might have screwed up somewhere since it’s my first time doing them here

what kind of statistics are these wtf

Accused Voters Count
Majora KyoDaz, Leafia, min, EliThePsycho 4/13
clonedcheese TrustworthyLiberal, Vulgard, sculptordwarf 3/13
Leafia Solic, Centuries 2/13
ElithePsycho Mistyx, Light 2/13
sculptordwarf rat 1/13
dota astand 1/13
rat dota 1/13
No Elimination clonedcheese 1/13
Not voted Ami, AtNoName, PKR, WindwardAway, ArcticXI, Majora, an_gorta_pratai, Eevee, YouButWorse 9

my little secret

I’ve cracked the code :^)

mistyx and cloned looking good

gorta/pkr/eevee/arctic/windward has at least 1 scum

gonna assume 6 scum since that fits for 23p
5 players / 24 players * 6 scum = 1.25 scum on average in that group
so yeah probably 1 with a smaller chance of 2

Player Profile: Majora
Nickname: Transparent Mask
Read: Nullscum
Observation Analysis: Like others have said, the “Majora case” is based (lol) on the fact that for the majority of their iso they just sit in the thread and announce that they’re doing nothing. Then when Majora comes in with their player profiles or some sh** it’s so completely underwhelming. He spent so long, on something I could type up in under 10 minutes? I just don’t believe it frankly. This is moving further into the scummy and I hate it category with each post he makes. I would not be opposed to his lynch today.

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I am satan

Dota are you scared of my infernal power

I can reveal it :^)

I have no idea what these statistics mean and I’m too fucked to figure it out but I’ll lol at them in the meantime

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Reveal it and I’ll towncase you for the memes
