Countries FM - The Cold War - Game Over - Communism is Victorious! - (2/24)

majora claimed protective of some sort i dont wanna kill there today

Arctic and Rat are 2 people I want to push more for the EoD vote but I do not know how many are behind it. I think TL might be town so i will not be voting them.

Rat has mulled this over
I have decided it’s believable enough for me not to want to kill it today
/unvote Majora @Wazza

Majora is weird but I feel uncomfortable voting for someone who softed PR over others honestly

I don’t actually know about Majora. It kind of looks like they were trying to do stuff, but I really hate that gimmick. If they are claiming protective then I don’t see why we should lynch them today, but I get a very null read from them. A fair bit of their posts seem forced in my opinion

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Your reads are interesting. Why do you think Rat is scum btw?

Have fun with this while I go iso eli

Day ends in 48 minutes I think.

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Do you guys need an updated VC?


I don’t think rat is bad or should they be wagoned tbh.

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Yes please


Astand was the first to Recognize my distinct typing that I thought wasn’t that obvious at allz

so what, cfd onto someone who isnt here at eod? lol

You know I did even say that majora is a protective but i completely forgot when I voted them. Now im torn between majora and Arctic :frowning:

Pretty sure I’m being lynched, if there is an Amnesiac. Side with Town and take my Role.

If not, then you are all gonna be mad lol.

is he the USA or smth lol


My home and native land

that was unexpected

Unvote majora gdi theres so many better current wagons

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