Countries FM - The Cold War - Game Over - Communism is Victorious! - (2/24)

I have?
Pog I didn’t think I was doing much especially lately

What does your head say
What does your gut say
How exactly did this conflict lead you to remove your vote and who (if anyone) are you most likely to put it on instead?

No I think you’ve been fine actually but that’s because I haven’t really remembered ot payed attention to anyone else

I liked that post you made earlier today

I would’ve answered it properly but my dumbass has no clue how to read people based on wagons

Head says town-ish
Gut says scum
It’s enough to give me doubts and take a second look at everyone else

Besides a few people actually today

Have your “head reads” or gutreads normally been more accurate?

Min, scum!rat can easily try to spark discussion like that too fyi
(Not like anyone can check lolol)

I don’t know scumrat :slightly_frowning_face:

scratches head
Usually it’s a mixture of a two
My strongest reads are usually when my gut and head agree on someone

Ok I’m gonna go to sleep now gn

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This is logical
Due to a lack of Centuries do you want to argue with me instead?

If you give me a few minutes, I’d like to talk to you. Arguing can lead to skewed opinions.

Arguing also brings out genuine emotions which are usually pretty telling
But talking works too ig

Did you have something you wanted to talk about or?

I’m showerposting on my phone
Not the best place for a convo lol

The shower is the best place for genius thoughts

You must shower talk or lockscum
/s just in case

Alright video call so you can see my emotions? :wink:

Ok sure add me on Discord

The most pogchampionest name of them all
out of shower

@rat if you had to call three people town, who would they be?


And you?

Hm… I’d probably say Kyo, you, and astand.