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I mean, I think you pretty much just need to give up here then.
It’s a F moment for you but you got double screwed so I guess it was bound to happen.

You tracked a claimed killer to a kill and expect this to be incriminating?

Eevee, why did you kill YoubutWorse?
Stop dodging it.

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Dodging a question you ask for the first time is a good meme :^)

Also, that’s for you to figure out if you want to have a read on me to begin with.
Which as I know, you already did.

Opportunistic mafia kill. Eliminating PoE town to look better.

So like… if you have opinion, why are you questioning me?


You tracked a killer to a kill.

You admit that it was kill into PoE, but still think it’s opportunistic.

I know you tracked me and you still think it’s good material to get reaction from me, despite me clearly saying I know you tracked me.

You get nothing from this discussion, as I know what happened.
I get nothing formt his discussion, since you already have an opinion that I did it for town cred.

Either way… it brings nothing new.

I asked multiple times before that once about you having killed them.
So it was not the first time, but, nice try.


Explain yourself post was about something different.

You were saying to explain why you saw me visiting dying person as a person who claimed to be able to kill.
Which… I did.

PKR, considering I am killer claim, you could literally ask me if any of the deaths is mine.

You really wasted a track on claimed killer and think that it’s incriminating to see claimed killer to kill someone.


This is not confirmed, Kyo.

Everyone has jumped to say it is but the only confirmed thing is the neighbourhood that myself, Vul and Night are in.

Unreasonably selfish, but ok

What do you mean by this? I think it’s unreasonable to just say Eevee is Mason.
When not even Eevee has said as much.

I mean, in theory this thing is a thing which Derps posted when I was pushed by Vulgard.
So “everyone has jumped to say it” is… understandable, lmao.

Oh yea, Sculptor is Derps.
Fun fact.

Ah, well, when I was talking with Vul they said that it is not confirmed.

So you are Masons and a killer, yes?

/Unvote @Wazza @CRichard564

Very weird killer to add to it.

To be more exact, I can kill anyone who won’t make 27 thousnds posts today.

That’s not even a joke.

27,000 POSTS? LOL. That’s a bit obscene

Anyone who has read the thread enough would see that Eevee and Sculpt mason would sense considering Eevee’s sheep choice, Derps claim, and Sculpt’s flip.

27 Thousnd…
So if i start just going ham i don’t even think i could make that many posts