Countries FM - The Cold War - Game Over - Communism is Victorious! - (2/24)


When did you peek me again?

N1 or N2?

n1 was you
n2 was rat

Iā€™m assuming you peeked a no on rat, since I havenā€™t seen this mentioned thusfar?

I donā€™t think that Light pushing Leafia after they claimed mason is indicative of either alignment. I could easily see Light doing it as a villager, but I also donā€™t see how their thought process would be much different as a wolf, since itā€™s an action depending on sticking to reads instead of re-evaluating them.

eevee can kill
rat canā€™t kill

iā€™ve said this multiple times

I may be slightly blind then

just literally backed up the fact that thereā€™s no way I missed the fact that thereā€™s no way I missed Leafiaā€™s mason claim

considering the lost wolfā€™s gone and the tailorā€™s also gone iā€™m treating a canā€™t kill check as an equivalent of a greencheck

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the sole exception to this is if centuries tailored rat last night and wasnā€™t roleblocked because he inherited arcticā€™s role (arctic was the first wolf to die)
which is possible but iā€™m not really willing to entertain it today especially since ratā€™s claim is something i believe has a reason to exist in the setup

the one problem i have with ratā€™s claim is that he only seems to have one piece of info and itā€™s day 3 not day 2
it just occurred to me actually

@rat did you give one or two pieces of info? i thought mechanics cop got info every night

and by extension, rat could also be a godfather, which would have the same effect

Out of curiosity - would Arsonist peek as ā€œcannot killā€ on n1 (where they have no one doused?)

Likeā€¦ your role checks for if given person is able to kill at given night (as vig with 0 shots peeks as cannot kill).

Which would imply arsonist without anyone doused would show up as cannot kill on n1 and can kill later on?

Otherwise there would be weird inconsistency between checking ability to kill for vigges (since 0-shot vig is still a vig) and role which can kill for arsonist (since n1 technicly they cannot kill, same as vig does).

Whichā€¦ probably would narrow stuff down when it comes rolewise.

Between Light and Cloned, I was already considering voting for Light because he seems off from what Iā€™ve seen as his normal town self. He seems much more aggressive and defensive here, whereas I usually think of him being less concerned about what people think of him.

However, your point about how Light has better potential to provide more towards town solving has some merit. Cloned definitely comes up with theories that I donā€™t find helpful. He probably wonā€™t give us much here. But then, this really isnā€™t all that much different from his usual town self from what Iā€™ve seen.

So I think Cloned actually has a higher chance of just being town even if anti-town in behavior. Therefore, I think the better vote would have to be Light.

/vote Light @Wazza @CRichard564

I wonā€™t be around for EoD. Need to go to bed now, but wanted to place my vote where I think best as of now.

Accused Voters Count
Light Leafia, Nightingale, min, Whysper 4/8
Clonedcheese Vulgard, ATNoName, Light 3/8
Not Voting PKR, an_gorta, Eevee, TrustworthyLiberal, Clonedcheese, rat, KyoDaz 8


After all this hitting you with questions I came to a single conclusion.

I canā€™t read.

Apparently I was able to kill one, literally one certain person on n1.
Iā€™m now annoyed, cause I thought you slipped, considering I was unable to kill n1, but apparently I failed in checking who broke the restrictions.

Thatā€™sā€¦ stupid.

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Tbh I was hopping you would get ā€œI made a mistake, eevee canā€™t killā€ from host tbh and then watch the chaos burn :^)

I know that, and I think holding your read regardless of seeing that is something you could do as both alignments.

I agree that I like Whysper but Iā€™m a bit scared of removing too many people from the PoE.
Maybe I should stop being scared of that.

Accused Voters Count
Light Leafia, Nightingale, min, Whysper 4/8
Clonedcheese Vulgard, ATNoName, Light 3/8
Not Voting PKR, an_gorta, Eevee, TrustworthyLiberal, Clonedcheese, rat, KyoDaz 8

3 hours and 15 minutes remain.

Mind giving me your full PoE?