Countries FM - The Cold War - Game Over - Communism is Victorious! - (2/24)


I donā€™t think rat is tro

Alright, thank you for answering. Once again, I apologize for any emotional harm I caused you. This, in the end, is still only a game, and that shouldnā€™t be a result.

I made mine reset I canā€™t believe I typed that

I did say Iā€™ve been picking up the Trochi cover on and off because I find it humorous

No itā€™s fine light

Ily man /p

All I did was get kinda nervous but I mean u did have a reason to ignore me because I was being cringe I just wouldā€™ve preferred just like it being explained ina. Different way by after all this is a game and we all are gay little countries so letā€™s have fun

Jokes aside I actually havenā€™t thought rat was tro because tro doesnā€™t censor bad words and idk itā€™s weird to describe but I donā€™t get tro vibes at all from rat


My vibes are unique and not cringe
I am unidentifiable

Can people hold me to being active tomorrow? I am used to procrastinating and it needs to stop

Yes I will help

I will ping you in ever single one of my posts

i feel like lightā€™s antagonism toward my slot, active grievances with min, and overall irritability today areā€¦ difficult to read

i will say that scum light tends to be significantly more mellow and subdued. he typically does not stick his head out all that much. meanwhile here it looks like heā€™s flailing in a very aggressive way i would expect from someone who doesnā€™t play in a subdued way. itā€™s bad, but it looks like town!light to me.

cloned has not impressed me with any of his posts today and that is why i will be staying on his wagon.

light has successfully given himself another day to live. if heā€™s mafia, my bad.

pkr still pushing the world where eevee is nk is fine. i honestly donā€™t hate the idea. i might push there tomorrow, i donā€™t really feel like pushing there today.

whysper and nightingaleā€™s posts areā€¦ eh? i donā€™t hate them. i donā€™t love them. it feels like they were just going through the motions today, a little bit. probably a good place to look if weā€™re wrong.

you might not live until tomorrow since you are hardspewed town.
if youā€™re town, you shouldā€™ve done things today.
but sure. i will hold you to that.

I want to ask you why you havenā€™t been active today? For someone who was almost literally begging on their knees for a second chance at life youā€™ve done f**k-all with it.
I would expect a townie in your position to go almost over-the-top with activity and content today and I havenā€™t seen it from you, why?

i would prefer cloned flip over light flip today. emphasis on today.


/unvote light @Wazza @CRichard564

You passed the vibe check for now but since I doubt Iā€™ll be able to keep a wagon on you anyway Iā€™ll vote cloned

/vote cloned @Wazza @CRichard564

Did you see my D2 info?

astand doing nothing n1? yeah i did see that.
i donā€™t really think it means anything, with one exception.
care to guess what it is?

Accused Voters Count
Clonedcheese Vulgard, ATNoName, Light, rat, PKR, an_gorta_pratai, min 7/8
Light Leafia, Nightingale, Whysper 3/8
Not Voting Eevee, TrustworthyLiberal, Clonedcheese, KyoDaz 4

1 Like

oh shit itā€™s l-1.

something about this post makes me feel iffy even though itā€™s just a meme


what do i return to

i really canā€™t do stuff rn i need to present on stuff