Countries FM - The Cold War - Game Over - Communism is Victorious! - (2/24)

right claimvig turns it into a strongman.

ā€œThis will count as the factional killā€

Oh wait

For some reason I misread claimvig as dayvig

Nevermind yeah Iā€™m extremely dumb

I donā€™t want to be Alice 2.0
Iā€™m sorry if I made you feel uncomfortable to vote me
But I also refuse to justā€¦ die here

I considered this, but going this route for the wolves still requires is to think exactly why they would choose to do so.

huh what was the whole purpose of killing Eli if they werenā€™t going to use the claimvig

yeah no thatā€™s fair
iā€™m just saying

i could see wolves not killing eli on purpose because eli was the cw in the rand and a town vig wouldā€™ve shot there
i donā€™t know about wolves not killing tl when given the opportunity considering tl is an investigative claim and those are usually good targets for the nightkill

Mist shooting Eli makes sense, and was what I defaulted to thinking tbh

also has tl posted today at all? i donā€™t even remember
it feels like 7 players are alive and not 14

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Considering what Eli claimed I think thereā€™s a slim chance wolves see that and kill it out of fear for the role, not the person.

Why and how did this game massively slow down in just 3 days

wolves just have to kill the active players and weā€™re going to lose the game because nobody is going to speak
quote me postgame because thatā€™s whatā€™ll happen at this rate

wait for it to slow down even more once i die

Canā€™t speak for anyone else but I became extremely busy a couple of days ago and my activity reflected accordingly

i was just bled


bleeding is a confirmed mechanic in the game and that was a wolf bleed probably


Why this late LOL