Countries FM - The Cold War - Game Over - Communism is Victorious! - (2/24)

Haha, I like going through theories with you, Eevee. Though I’m assuming in this game you aren’t scum this time just playing around with me again :slight_smile:

I agree that the bleed probably came from Mafia, not NK. A NK that can rampage kill and then bleed feels ultra weird.
I’ll need to check where that falls in the NK!Kyo theory though.

That does sound like a rather powerful combination for NK. And mafia probably does need more KP in this setup with all the town KP.

For Vul’s theory about Kyo as NK, I don’t think the bleed actually being mafia instead affects it too much. Seemed like it was just another point to support the theory, but doesn’t hinge on it.

NK most likely cannot rampage to begin with.

Kyo theory is a big stretch.
Literally any other person being NK would be able to do the same without needing to rampage kill.

Occam’s razor forces me to throw this theory out of the window today as too paranoid and needing too many specific things to work.

I honestly don’t know about that.

Like Kyo can only be NK if he can kill 2 people at once.

Everyone else can be NK if able to kill 1 people at once.

So like… it is a stretch.

I don’t think it’s a stretch

It really is.

Kyo was proven to do something else at the same night.
3/4th game wasn’t.

Going after one person which was doing something else AND fitting your theory to fit it, while there is much simpler explanations is… a stretch.

Think about it

The way you’re describing mafia is like you think the same one mafia has joat but with only killing power

Why do I think that’s. Genuinely unreasonable

Ok but eevee

Think of this

Centuries was a framer tailor

What if centuries went to tailor astand and died because kyo did lolrampage

Correction: lost wolf turned into framer tailor

So like, where I stand now is that I still think that TL is a better vote? I’m far more confident in them than Kyo.

What if NK is whoever else, like TL and just killed Centuries?

Doesn’t it sound much more logical?

min, your theory stands on two points:

  1. NK can rampage
  2. Cenutries visited Astand

While it is possible, taking literally anyone else means you don’t need either of those two requierments.

I know Vulgard described it nicely so people can feel the theory.
But it’s still one scenario which has multiple requierments to begin with.

Eevee, please please tell me why wazza would add just a serial killer with no other killing power into a game.

no bleeding, no ability to rampage or even just to kill 2 people one night

Depends on other abilities.

And… even if he has any of this ability - bleed / rampage etc…
Give me one reason to believe that it’s Kyo and he used them and not literally anyone else without needing to use more abilities.

That’s why your theory is holded on paranoia and specific requierments which might not be true to begin with.

his social play also matches nk to the letter and i explained why