Countries FM - The Cold War - Game Over - Communism is Victorious! - (2/24)

I’m not ignoring them
I have disproven them and you are refusing to counterpoint with saying ‘I am not going to repeat myself’ when you haven’t said anything in the first place

you sound like a politician trying to defend himself against fraud charges right now
“i was a kind human being to gorta and shot the person he wanted. it totally wasn’t connected to the fact it would be good for my position and would give me a free pocket”

i rest my case

by that i mean to say you could’ve reasonably had both motivations and it doesn’t disprove my argument

because arguing with you is a waste of time since you’re the nk and you’re not going to agree with me ever

I am not the NK and I do agree with people where it’s logical
You just as a player are difficult to have a discussion with as seen in Short Fuse V where I nearly detonated you off of an argument we had

(this refers to our pairing)

because i’m not really trying to discuss with you honestly
you’re the nk
it’s not productive
you’re free to appeal to others but i want you dead today and i will do everything in my power to get you killed
because you are the nk

What about your Vig soft to Gorta? What was that accomplishing?


How sure are you that Vulgard is town from neighborhood?

And now that I think about it - how does your role suggest that neighborhood was randomzied (like you said before).

Actually if I did do this for towncred why would I kill PKR because I was being scared of tracked anyway

Apologies if you’ve already answered this, but it feels weird to soft your role at the start of D3?

because you figured i’d ask him to track you since i tried to cfd to you at eod 3

i’m leaving the thread
kyo has to die today or we will lose the game
that’s all

I’ve been softing vig since D2 because I need to be able to verify who I killed and that I was claiming vig beforehand if it ever gets down to a low number and someone CC’s my kill

I completely missed the NATO flavor on my rolecard, and I thought that the neighborhood was randomized between the other players just so I would have people to kick out.

I am confident Vulgard is villager here, but that’s purely social and no mechanics.

Ah yes
I did an action that you claim was for town credit for things like to not be tracked
And I kill PKR anyway because ‘you figured I’d ask him’

I mean mechanics suggest there is evil person in the hood if you can kick people, but not invite ones.

I can invite people, I just decided not to out it so we’d potentially have a card up our sleeves there, but I can’t think of any concrete benefit to hiding it longer.
My real N2 action was inviting Centuries, and Ami didn’t do anything on N1.

I know that Kyo can’t defend against this, but I think that the mechanical NK PoE is pretty tight, and Kyo hasn’t made themselves obviously not the NK socially.

I mean I have
I’ve openly townread one of the highest NK suspects and TMI’d 6 Town KP being incredibly plausible
That’s one example

you murdered people with ur cooking