Countries FM - The Cold War - Game Over - Communism is Victorious! - (2/24)

By pushing person who is like 80% scum over 100% scum?

by pushing non-town kp
tl is not guaranteed to have kp
mechanically itā€™s the better play
socially itā€™s also the better play because youā€™re likely to let kyo survive and i donā€™t see that happening with tl

Itā€™s not better play to eliminate someone who you can still be wrong about, over someone you are sure about.

how many times do i have to repeat myself
i am 100% sure kyo is nk and thatā€™s the only reason iā€™m doing this
if i wasnā€™t sure then i wouldnā€™t be pushing him today

i am not such a terrible villager that iā€™d derail this entire day just to kill someone who can be town
iā€™m trying to get this push done today because kyo is likely to survive if i donā€™t get him killed now and i am absolutely positive heā€™s nk

Same as you was sure about me?

iā€™ve explained my entire viewpoint and progression
iā€™ve backed myself up with evidence from the entire game
i have done all the work to let everyone understand where iā€™m coming from and why kyo is the nk
right now all iā€™m going to do is make sure he actually dies today, because he has to if we want to have the best shot at winning the game

tl should get shot today
after that kill in whysper/nightingale probably
evaluate min/light because min can potentially be fake and min being fake would make light unconfirmed
gorta is only mafia if heā€™s specifically a wolf pr (notable lack of investment yesterday and today too, so iā€™m starting to believe this a little more, but not enough to ask anyone to vig him)

do you not remember that i ended up abandoning the push on you d2
or are you not mentioning it because youā€™re dedicated to tilting me by omitting important facts


I haveā€¦ different opinion on that part.

and i donā€™t care

i am not abandoning the push on kyo because there is nothing that happened today which has changed my mind
i abandoned the eevee push d2 because i lost faith in it as the day progressed and d3 i didnā€™t even try to push him

Still no.

Tho I know I will lose this battle, considering you have 3 more people supporting you regardless of what I say.

Accused Voters Count
KyoDaz Vulgard, min, Nightingale 3/6
TrustworthyLiberal eevee, KyoDaz 2/6
Not Voting Whypser, Light, an_gorta_pratai, TrustworthyLiberal, rat. Leafia 6

Day ends in 4 hours and 22 minutes or at 2020-12-12T21:00:00Z


Neither of you have placed a vote and some have you have basically just not talked at all. Please, pick up activity.

I understand that the Kyo wagon is based on Vulā€™s theory and points. But Iā€™m not sure that I understand the TL wagon.

Eevee seems to be saying they are outed scum based on their claim, right?

(This post doesnā€™t help me consider worlds in which Whysper is not Mafia.)

TL is a wagon because part of their roleclaim is something that is confirmed not to exist in the game by the host. This part is that they claimed to regain charges on a roleblock.

TL is very likely scum here as well and I can case that

You have a case on TL beyond this part about the claim slipup?

Iā€™ll case it

Are you planning to vote on TL then?

At the moment I feel more confident in voting Kyo. Socially TL seems okay. It would be really strange for him to claim that recharge passive if it wasnā€™t true in some way. So maybe thereā€™s some misunderstanding about how the claim works.

But Iā€™ll look for your case if I am able to hop on before EoD. For now, going to park my vote on Kyo.

/vote Kyo @Wazza @CRichard564