Countries FM - The Cold War - Game Over - Communism is Victorious! - (2/24)

i claim cold

I claim no internet, RIP

ā€¦Internet is still dead so I guess imma just sleep and hope itā€™s back when I wake up .-.

Not voting anyone yet because Iā€™m generally not confident in D1 reads, and right now Iā€™m more confident in the townleans than the scum leans. Iā€™ll reevaluate before EoD, though.

A wolf who canā€™t really do anything in thread because theyā€™re locked up trying to not slip or just look scummy overall.

Interestingly enough, this is less force than Leafia usually uses when being scumread (sheā€™s the OMGUS Queen)

I actually feel like heā€™s actively been scummy rather than just lol!lowposter

GTH (gun to head), read on me

what about them feels towny

I have all of my past games on my profile.

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Their analysis/level of interest in what other people are saying. Idk, it generally seems like a towny thing to do imo, but I guess a good wolf could do it, too?

Iā€™m gonna have a lot of reading to do on everyone lol

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Iā€™m heading to bed, night yā€™all.


to catch up or to play this game without catching up
that is the question

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You can just not read and ask as Iā€™m gonna.

Hey guys, are my scummates fooling you good enough, or should I help them?

I went a little over halfway on catchup lol

Oh right @dota we plaied together a fair bit.

Iā€™m roz1roz on ToS.

Iā€™m gonna sleep now, night guys!

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mistyx already feels different from the last game we played. actually offers takes I actively like, such as the one on TL, and doesnā€™t seem to just exist for the sake of existing


saw a few townreads on min, and honestly, I get it, but also, theyā€™ve just been a shitposter up to the point Iā€™ve read and that doesnā€™t really make me towread them.

min still shitposting as Iā€™m reading and getting townreads for nothing

/vote min


centuries posting about being self-aware is exactly how I feel about his posts
I get the impression his rapid-fire early reads and stuff are things heā€™s completely aware of being somewhat questionable, but heā€™s still doing them and idk what to think about it

could be
I really dislike the fact cloned got 4 votes so quickly
donā€™t think itā€™s astand though. Iā€™ve liked his takes so far and I think the complexity of his thoughts is at a level I would expect from town astand

I also donā€™t really get a sense of agenda from him. he posted reads but isnā€™t trying to paint a narrative already

ooooooh hi!

at is in the same shitposting tier min belongs to and thatā€™s bad

me neither honestly

unfortunately, this kind of thing also comes from town, especially here

i donā€™t really have much to say about leafia either way so far but i donā€™t think thatā€™s scum AI for her especially

can you walk me through how you went from point a to point b or is this just omgus because he didnā€™t like a post you wrote

i feel like this post is slightly village ai but i donā€™t have a good explanation and people will be like ā€œnooo, but this person isnā€™t towny, what are u talking aboutā€

go on. yell

iā€™d just like to point attention to one thing about reading eli that people seem to miss
heā€™s capable of posting as mafia, but the density of content in his posts when heā€™s mafia is incredibly low
he either just shitposts or provides completely uninspiring takes and generally says nothing of substance even while in thread

which is kinda what heā€™s been doing so far

i think ratā€™s gimmick is >rand town because it draws attention to them and they havenā€™t exactly made themselves the pinnacle of village, thus allowing them to post in whatever way they want and still be townread
iā€™d expect a mafia who wants to do a gimmick to actually set themselves up in a decent position first before doing the gimmick. the only thing in ratā€™s early iso that could be construed as them setting themselves up is that they voiced one scumread by saying ā€œhedgy wallpostā€ @ centuries
and thatā€™s not really wolf ai since both alignments could write that with equal ease
so tl;dr i basically think that rat doesnā€™t care about other peopleā€™s opinions about their slot and is just doing their own thing and thatā€™s a good look

I mostly skimmed and thought I would get the chance to interact

I am inclined to believe actually. That kind of reminds me of what Worse would say in the previous game

i like centuries defending his perspective here with confidence
felt natural to me

obviously awful
wondering if itā€™s at the level of ā€œtoo obviously awfulā€

villagery imo
i see this sense of amusement and ā€œhaving a good timeā€ wolves can struggle to fake

can you like
at all


wow amiā€™s in the game! hi ami

was this prewritten?

very villagery especially coming from mistyx
shows interest in having information to solve the game instead of interest only in existing
also has this villagery snark

this gives me a bad feeling but it would also be glorious

i really dislike this post
itā€™s asking other people for opinion instead of forming an opinion on their own
itā€™s not even a question about kyoā€™s motivations or anything


wait a second
ami barely had anything whatsoever at the point you wrote this
what is this read supposed to be based on

i donā€™t necessarily hate these takes but the read on ami looks really weird to me when the only thing i remember coming from ami until that point is just a ā€œhelloā€ - type post

did you just instantly accept pkr as town because he wrote one solvy post

i like arcticā€™s post where he starts reading the lower posters
i get the sense of genuinity (? is this a word) from him

one problem is this statement

do you have any reasons to agree with them besides sheeping?

i really dislike this response to still having a wagon on yourself

and then have people complain about your takes being bad


kinda yikes

also yikes

oh god that was a terrible-looking flashwagon
both votes that arenā€™t centuriesā€™ suck

still voting min because min was significantly less self-aware about it but could probably go either way

the more he posts, the easier it is to read him

i think kyoā€™s town at this point

when heā€™s mafia he likes to mess around and do some agenda stuff and iā€™m not seeing that here whatsoever

can i have diplomatic immunity too, daddy kyo?

i um
i have very different opinions about all these takes so iā€™ll just ask probably the most important question

how does centuries come across as ā€œnot tryingā€ to you? i got the opposite impression from him and i donā€™t get how someone could look at his early takes + push on leafia and say heā€™s not trying

also the random shade-ish scumread on tl looks awful but thatā€™s beside the point

i kinda donā€™t feel like a villager would care about ā€œhaving time to pressure/push peopleā€ and neither would they care about having their vote randomly placed on someone
i donā€™t like how self-aware this is

mistyx is probably my top town at the moment next to kyo
i just like everything she posts

i hate how the first two takes in the game that gorta offers both look like tming the targets as V

this wagon probably shouldnā€™t exist when min and atnoname both had these random, super quick and awful bandwagon votes on it
i get that centuries actually believes it but i think these two votes are a bad sign

iā€™m liking centuries more

this is a random quote from a post of his i liked
not quoting the whole thing because itā€™s kinda long

i like this too

really not a fan of the instant defensiveness
also this looks w/v if light is mafia so that might help later if light is a wolf
bookmarking this

i actuallyā€¦ like the snark in this retort, though

something something insert boomer joke

dota is like
not doing anything
just shitposting
you go in the shitposter tier
min is out of that tier btw

do you have an actual alignment read on cheese that makes you defend him? because i didnā€™t actually find one in your iso

first time someone ever said that about us

maybe not ever but i donā€™t really see that as a popular opinion

look at their iso and explain to me how their density of shitposting, sheepy/bandwagony votes/takes, and mostly meme-based interactions are anything but mafia indicative

dota is in a similar boat but posted less. the fact they posted less is probably to their benefit, because i donā€™t hate their slot nearly as much, but yeah.

the one thing i liked from dota is that they seem to be genuinely having fun with the game, but thatā€™s not necessarily all that AI by itself


sculptordwarf is mostly just sitting there but i donā€™t really dislike the way theyā€™ve been sitting there
idk how to explain it

i have so many questions

meta-related question
would you say youā€™re more or less amusing as mafia vs town

i think itā€™s very obvious that centuries is town by now

this post did it for me

light how much of your read on centuries is omgus

i think itā€™s very obvious that centuries is town
heā€™s evaluating from tons of angles, went back to calculate lightā€™s postcounts as both alignments in multiple games, actually believes in his reads very strongly and is willing to back them up extensively at any point with 0 hesitation, hedging, or mind-changing and the justifications are good which makes them look not-like-asspulls

hi windward by the way

iā€™m just trying to ignore what eeveeā€™s been doing so far
i donā€™t think itā€™s particularly alignment indicative anyway but gun-to-head iā€™d say village because of how amused with himself he seems