Countries FM - The Cold War - Game Over - Communism is Victorious! - (2/24)

there are good examples of me doing this as scum

I recommend you not use meta on me because as many others will tell you i don’t have a consistent meta ._.

I nullread 2/3 top wagons and townread the third

I’m not exe’ing a nullread d1 in a 24p


I already said it
I will say it again
This isn’t a meta read and I don’t particularly care what you did in past games
It’s a read based on how I think a wolf would act in your specific situation

Ok im contradicting my point here about meta

But I’m saying “natural behavior” is not a very good indicator of my alignment

I think I’m digging my own behavior here

Tell me then what is a good indicator of your alignment


I don’t think i’ve ever been exe’d with social reads

why am i proud of this

Mech is a good indicator of everyone’s alignment
It’s mech
I’m asking something more specific to you

I don’t know myself

however certain others claim to know my towntells

ask them

good luck!

sorry to ask this but what is this? also why? I assumed something more like 4 scum and 2 neuts but what do I know about setup.


what game was that?

Lol rat

Would if I knew who they were

I’d rather you offer something more than lol rat if you got it

fun fact: in game 2 of the hydra event, i planned to post those stats
but then they had my 2 teammates on the bottom
so i didn’t end up posting them

Light and I aren’t your teammates that’s what the zoomers call pog

i am not my own teammate because i’m bottom two

I was counting only people who had actually made a vote at that point
However unlike you I am my own teammate

Well, I’ve been following your posts/reads so far in this game and I like how they look tbh. I just think it’s funny you “profiled” Majora after they gave their seemingly low-effort profiles on certain people.

That being said, I don’t really think Majora is purposely trying to get lynched (i.e. not jester or anything of the sort). I still think they’re scum and none of their newer posts have convinced me otherwise.

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Lol Windward
Want to talk to me about anything specific I am bored and hate dead threads

Sure, let’s see…

Any opinion on sculptordwarf not wanting to lynch Majora D1? I know they justified it by saying lack of towny content != scummy content, but I don’t really know why we wouldn’t want to exe the scummiest looking candidate on D1.

I understand the perspective and see and follow the thought process. I disagree with it, of course, but I don’t think sculptor’s point is objectively scummy