Countries FM - The Cold War - Game Over - Communism is Victorious! - (2/24)

why does me giving the reason mean im worried about it

Why does you saying the reason for making the post was to towncase yourself later mean you’re worried about towncasing yourself later?


Accused Voters Count
Light sculptordwarf,eevee 2/11
Ami Vulgard 1/11
Centuries Light 1/11
AtNoName rat 1/11
Leafia AtNoName 1/11
ClonedCheese min 1/11


me saying voicing my thoughts would help me easier to townread isnt me being worried about not being townread later on

Except that’s not what you said centries, you said towncasing yourself later on

thats what i meant

we both know very well me like quoting this post later on to “towncase myself” wont make me any townier

If it wouldn’t help later on why would it help now?

are you disputing whether my post is useless or not or whether its scummy or not

I’m referring to this

If it wouldn’t make you townier later why does it make you townier now?

there’s a difference between

“making me townier in the next 5 minus”


“making me townier on day 5”

idk like maybe my read evolution/consistency will make me look townier to some tomorrow if we get a w flip among my poe

im thinking from a non me poe

What’s the difference

This isn’t like sarcastic genuinely curios

when i refered to “making me townier”

(which is an awful choice of word on my end but whatever)

what im refering to is

me making this list now when i have nothing else to do in thread + i dont have the wim to actually go back and read some stuff + uh the thread is dead

thus making it not as useless as you are portraying it to be

is that since my reads arent going to be 180ing for some weird reason

since i have no agenda to push

the way my reads are made (not what my reads are) may make me look townier in the future

also like im currently in a “defensive” position actually defending myself over you calling my post useless

meanwhile you dont really have too many voiced reads

which is pretty ?_?

I just finished and turned in my speech gonna take a couple min and chill

Will be back later unless I forget game exists and just go to bed

like yeah sure i acknowledge my post isnt gamechanging

and my attitude isnt optimal but its better to post things than to actually do nothing

Debatable but I’ll be back later

not really

i have (almost) nothing to gain from posting that and everything to lose

if i were to play optimal id just shut up no matter my alignment

im “clogging thread” i guess but its not like anything else is going on right now

so im just exposing myself here

even from your pov since you’re not actually voicing your read we cant even call this discussion worthwhile

thats like discussing mafia theory tier of not doing much

i could see you as town thinking maybe im scum trying to appear as if im doing something but honestly the argument itself only makes sense if im in poe

im not really apealing to anyone here