Countries FM - The Cold War - Game Over - Communism is Victorious! - (2/24)

currently wondering if leafia 60 posting is ai

i think that until leafia is pressured the post count isnt very ai at all

Anyway back to this

Strong Town reads

Vulgard/YBW/Windward top town
Astand/AT/PKR/TWL strong reads

POE slots we should sort today who I believe have odds to flip w


/vote Gorta

@Wazza @CRichard564

is somewhere id like to see votes at tbf

idk if Leafia getting sorted today is optimal but I think itā€™s something Iā€™d like to do

same with ami tbh

Accused Voters Count
Light sculptordwarf,eevee 2/11
Ami Vulgard 1/11
Centuries Light 1/11
AtNoName rat 1/11
Leafia AtNoName 1/11
ClonedCheese min 1/11
an_gorta_pratai Centuries 1/11
Not voting Ami, dota, PKR, YoubutWorse, WindwardAway, ArcticXI, astand, Leafia, an_gorta_pratai, TrustworthyLiberal, Clonedcheese, Kyodaz 12

history repeats itself

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The thing about gorta is I feel like they were more active during their scum game, but I dont know if theyre just trying a new strategy or are just town

unfortunate that i didnā€™t get a chance to play with seth

also is there a way to make the forum have pages?
what i end up doing is just mindlessly scrolling as if iā€™m on social media without reading anything


I started with a VCA on the wagons yesterday and I ended up with a 17-people ISO

I need more time ._.


Welp hi, I think Iā€™m too tired to do the ISOing now and I gotta sleep soon anyway, but Iā€™ll get going on it when Iā€™m awake. Seems like weā€™re looking at Light, Leafia and Gorta today? And Cheese when heā€™s done his thing? I might take a look at Centuries too.

Good night from my corner of the world!

@sculptordwarf can you please acknowledge youā€™ve read the post this is replied to? Iā€™d like to hear your thoughts afterword.

A replacement is needed.

@Marshal, @Katze, @Nightingale, @Trochilidae and @Amelia please respond if youā€™re able to replace in.

So hereā€™s the VC from yesterday.

All three top wagons at EoD yesterday was town, meaning that scum was very active and constantly pushing, scum didnā€™t care how the vote went, or both. I want to look at what people have as reasoning for each vote.

Votes on Majora

Although this slot ended up voting Arctic at EoD and leaving it there, they were one of the first to vote up Majora and many others sheeped their reasonings on the vote. A summary of their reasoning:


Their reasoning can be boiled down to two points:

  1. A manufactured gimmick that appears to be an attempt to avoid playing the game
  2. Vibereads on behavior + claim

Personally Iā€™m just lost - why is ā€œtheyā€™re not helpingā€ a valid reason to execute? Why is ā€œtheyā€™re trying to be mysterious on purposeā€ a valid reason to wagon them? As pointed out repeatedly, this is NAI. And yet people just continuing to push this and eventually leading to a kill makes me think scum just went over to the fruit hanging right below eye level, reached out their hand, and plucked it right off the branch. At this time, though, Iā€™ll chalk it up to a difference in philosophy and just leave it be, since many seem to share this sentiment for some reason .-.
(feel free to educate me on this during or after the game)

And people may say ā€œwell they didnā€™t end up posting much content,ā€ but Vulgardā€™s first accusation came at post #922, which was only halfway into d1 and was at a point where a lot of people were slanking - why Majora specifically? Not to mention them pushing elsewhere briefly only to come back to Majora quite often (3 votes on majora total)

Little possibility of agenda on Vulgard only because they were the wagon-starter.


The first vote on Majora that scuck on until EoD.
The extent of their explanations:

Then an EoD that rushed onto Eli, to which they replied:

I feel like this attitude comes from town!Leafia; iirc theyā€™re not one to explain their reads extensively, but the EoD attitude indicates towniness.


Again with the weird reasoning! This is a reason for pressure but not an ultimate vote at EoD. However, to me Worse looks like they are genuinely trying to engage with Majora, and in the mindset of a flailing townie


Viberead + ā€œthey arenā€™t doing stuffā€
Something thatā€™s pretty transparent though:

As I argued previously, this may just be individuals reflecting similar behavior as town and scum, and Windward associating the behavior with scum only because they playing with them in a scum game. However, taking experiences from the last game and transferring it seems like a towny mindset.


Comes back EoD, with some readings, but they reaaaallly defend TL a lot in the processā€¦

Nulltown from the behavior on Majora only, but their reasoning of ā€œnot TLā€ is kinda scummy IMO.


ā€¦although I disagree with this, I think someone calling for a policy exe this early is inherently towny

Overall Thoughts

Most people that voted Majora was out of ā€œtheyā€™re not contributing, therefore hiding scum,ā€ with a policy of exeā€™ing a non-cooperative member definitely contributing. Iā€™d like to question how the hell this went to a such a large wagon rather than staying at a pressure level - clearly some of the pushers were scum. Some individuals I find more townier than others, despite having the same viewpoints. The only one Iā€™d say has any evidence of scumminess is Vulgard for them starting the wagon and constantly pushing it, but that in itself is a weak one.

Readlist of people mentioned above, in order

Just in the context of ā€œwhoā€™s most likely scum based on majora voteā€:



I meant to do this for Eli and myself but those parts arenā€™t finalized due to collegeapps
expect them by around the chess tournament tmrw

Going to sleep, you have the next 15 mins to ask any questions

fuck I just read this through and Iā€™m missing Arctic

uuh ill add that tmrw with the other ones

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This is going to be one of these game, isnā€™t it?

Fwiw I donā€™t think anyone other than Mistyx makes sense to be factional kill, but whatever, I wonā€™t discuss it, since itā€™s speculative.

Yeah, probably :sweat:

@Vulgard (since you are here)

Can you go into a bit more detail about Ami?

If wagons were V/V, then what was Amiā€™s motivation at EoD? To get a more powerful villager role out (that doesnā€™t feel really worth bringing the attention to them tbh).

I donā€™t usually like making TWTBAW reads, but here we are.

Also, astand, I felt your EoD was a little shaky. You were on TL for a bit, then just kinda hopped on over to Eli. You didnā€™t feel very commital to either one of them, and considering the wagons were T/Tā€¦

iā€™m in the middle of class but my reasoning was mostly meta
iā€™m still surprised i was wrong honestly but that calls for re-eval

yeah but i then voted tl and ended on arctic so iā€™m not sure how much it matters
i need to reread arcticā€™s eod sometime later

also starting a wagon on town is like
town do that too, which is why iā€™m not scumreading people because their votes were on town last eod

i feel like the vote was just there as a throwaway either because she wanted to make sure her vote existed or because wolves told her to vote x person
kyo says it was him who told her to vote the person she was voting so it could also be an appeal to town authority

And how do you know TL was a villager in that situation?