Countries FM - The Cold War - Game Over - Communism is Victorious! - (2/24)

I mean like LOL it’s like you know kyo is nk that’s what I mean

Alright time to open up google dot com

I mean, to be fair.

I literally asked for fakeclaim as town, due to my flavor being… bad?


not sure where this thought is coming from considering i’ve used exclusively public information and neighborhood information to make my case
but it doesn’t really matter

i feel bad for you
sounds like both your flavor and your role are memes

I mean, vig with broken kill power who is meant to claim neutral country.

See the problem?

I do.

flavor is wack here

where are the rest of my icy friends in this game

Actually @Vulgard

What’s your flavor?

I’m still curious how this neighborhood adds up flavorwise.

merry December 11th Christmas

Has whys flavor claimed either?


at this point i don’t really think our neighborhood makes sense flavorwise

considering we had greece and belgium in it lmao

But it does.

you think so?
i don’t know much about cold war but i’m not sure what greece and belgium have in common other than winning their independence in the 19th century

Being together in NATO at the start of cold war.

So does Luxemburg.

i haven’t thought about that

Accused Voters Count
KyoDaz Vulgard, min 2/6
TrustworthyLiberal KyoDaz 1/6
Not Voting Nightingale, Whypser, Light, an_gorta_pratai, Eevee, TrustworthyLiberal, rat. Leafia 8

My country was never in nato to begin with :^)

It actually still isn’t.


i just automatically assumed that flavorsolving would be impossible so i ignored the idea and moved on with my life