Countries FM - The Cold War - Game Over - Communism is Victorious! - (2/24)

see? easy
kyo confirmed wolf pepega

whoever votes him before eod and says ā€œyesā€ as their only justification gets based points from me

How many points I need to exchange for a new toaster?

i havenā€™t thought about the value of a based point before

@min you tell me

Infinite point


looks like you only need one

does your lack of commentary on my case mean youā€™re going to vote kyo by eod or did you just come here to say something because you saw me ask about based things

No I have some questions coming right up I just came back to thread

How do u know this? I genuinely hope this isnā€™t true

Wait, so ur claiming that kyo is like werewolf

Also eevee did u ever claim flavor

No, I did not.

i donā€™t know this but it doesnā€™t matter because light is out of shots anyway so we canā€™t even do that

it would check out with nobody claiming the centuries kill
or it was a 2-4-1 type of deal


I think Iā€™ll vote with you because I have paranoia on kyo as well for many reasons and I trust you

/vote kyo @Wazza @CRichard564

The thing Iā€™m nervous on is how good that wall is

Wanna claim it or no

Question is do you want to suspect me more or not.

Then I will claim or not depending on what you want to hear :^)

not sure why that would make you nervous

i think youā€™re the clearest youā€™ve ever been in a game

and your role is the biggest meme in this game
next to gortaā€™s role if itā€™s real

Cool then Iā€™m hardclaiming flavor which was 100% neutral in Cold War, to the point they made declaration of neutrality, just to get both NATO as well as communist forces out of theirs borders :^)

To the point that theirs declaration of neutrality is up to today a national holiday.

No I donā€™t think youā€™re suspicious at all really unless you just say your flavors like fucking russia or something