Countries FM - The Cold War - Game Over - Communism is Victorious! - (2/24)

Well, meowth too but that would’ve been super obvious

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wait i was joking


I dont like how they kinda left out my posts in their read on me but theyve actually kinda been making good reads and also questioning the integrity of other peoples reads and its leading me to believe theyre a lighter town


this isnt super strong, but its because ive read a few games on the tos forums and they were really memey on there as well. this is why its under smiley cat. i think they need to make serious reads soon though.


more of a null but weird in thread. this isnt that strong and its more of gut but this might as well be the same as everyone else


every post they make kinda makes me go hrm. their voting is weird (as in i cant tell if theyre genuinely playing a vote or if they even believe in who theyre voting) the only thing that makes me think atn can go back to the sexy null slot is the fact theyre usually randomly agressive to people like every game. im waiting for him to deathtunnel someone today though

i explained these by myself already and im not in the mood to explain them again

I wasn’t lol


Why should I care about how others view my lack of contribution.
I can make up for it later.
Profiling takes priority.

It wont matter if you can make up for it later if you die before that

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sculptordwarf: Slight townlean as of now. He seems really comfortable in the thread. More comfortyable than most wolves would be at this point in time.
min: Townlean: She seems different than how she was in her scumgame to me.
Vulgard: Townread: He looks like he’s genuinely trying to solve people’s slots.
4. Ami: Null: I don’t remember much from him.
5. Dota: Null: I don’t remember much from him.
6. ATNoName: Townlean: He seems to be under pressure and is taking it well.
7. PKR: Null: Tough to say with him right now.
8. Solic: Null: Ditto with her.
9. Light: Null: Not sure what to think of him currently.
10. Centuries: Scumlean: He seems a bit too shady to be town ands is too quick to leap to conclusions.
11. YoubutWorse: Slight scumlean: Mostly a gutread. He worries me a bit.
12. WindwardAway: Null: He has posted?
13. ArcticXI: Null: Ditto.
14. Majora: Null: He doesn’t have his mask yet.
15. astand: Slight scumlean: I don’t like what I’ve seen from him so far.
16. Leafia: Townread: Pretty sure she’s town.
17. an_gorta_pratai: Slight townlean: I like his current style of solving.
18. Eevee: Slight townlean for being such a cute Eevee. Pets
19. TrustworthyLiberal: Slight townlean: Seems trustworthy to me so far.
20. Mistyx: Null: Tough to say currently.
21. Clonedcheese: Slight townlean: I’ll need to read up on him more later.
22. rat: Townread: He seems more comfortable in the thread than a wolf would be at this point.
23. EliThePsycho: Townlean: He’s a psycho. Enough said.
24. KyoDaz: Townlean: His style is something I like admittedly.


explain these further
yes i put myself in there intentionally
are these literally just gutreads

Mostly gutreads but you were under a bit of pressure if I recall earlier and Eevee seemed pretty relaxed earlier too.

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let’s go


This is nice and shows us you’re here and have some reads

(I use they/them pronouns but it’s a good)

I still need to read your iso which you posting reminded me to do

I’m just not having a good time today :slightly_frowning_face:

Accused Voters Count
clonedcheese TrustworthyLiberal, EliThePsycho,Vulgard, sculptordwarf 4/13
Leafia Solic, Centuries, min 3/13
Mistyx clonedcheese 1/13
Centuries Leafia 1/13
ElithePsycho Mistyx 1/13
sculptordwarf rat 1/13
Majora KyoDaz 1/13
dota astand 1/13
Not voted Ami, dota, PKR, Light, WindwardAway, ArcticXI, Majora, an_gorta_pratai, Eevee, YouButWorse 11
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i don’t think this is AI for especially for eevee

Yes I have been posting lol

I came in 12 h after the game started and dumped a shitty wallpost here

I was trying to type while scrolling through the 800+ messages I had missed and then my internet cut out, but at any rate I’m here now lol.

I think I’m gonna start ISOing a couple people later and try my best to get as good of a D1 readlist as I can.

So can’t do this regardless, I’ll sheep Arctic with whatever they’ll vote, if I can’t make it still before EoD, which is likely. Some personal stuff, believe it, don’t believe it. You do you. I’ll have more time on the weekend to at least do more than what I’ve been doing, since no work.

Maybe I missed this, but is there a specific reason you’d sheep Arctic?

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damn everyone is changing their pfps huh

so im guessing u townread them. any specific reasons why or just a gut read?