Countries FM - The Cold War - Game Over - Communism is Victorious! - (2/24)

It would appear someone voted me.

Am I suppose to be pressured?
This is the first time in your ISO you mention me.

Correction, ā€œFeelā€ pressured.
Since you think your pressuring me.


And that reasoning of yours is really pressuring.


Youā€™ve not contributed anything
Iā€™d like lowposters to contribute

Iā€™ve been reading.

Profiling Players is more important then conversation that can end up getting no where.

Okay. Thatā€™s good. And what information have you managed to gathered?

Youā€™ll wait and see it when Iā€™m finished all the profiles like every one else.

Nobody ā€˜profilesā€™ players
The day ends in 24 hours
Not everyone will be around to read your ā€˜profilingā€™ if you donā€™t post it now

Iā€™m not finished.

You better post a juicy wallpost the size of the bee movie script.


If you arent gonna contribute anything, then theres no point in ā€œprofilingā€, since we arent gonna believe you. Even if you have literally every scum locked, theres no reason if you have no presence and arent able to get it out there. Its better to just state your thoughts now and get them out there now


wind has got us covered there

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Majora, youā€™re giving me (or probably most of us by now) wolfy vibes.

I misread covered as converted and I was like ??? LOL


Iā€™m just gonna ISO Majora before anyone asks me to

You should ISO Majora :smile:

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TL posting regular emojis instead of joycats is so wholesome honestly

Yes Min, Iā€™m sorry I had to convert you LOL


Also i have to be honest to post that i had to stop my post with the entire bee movie

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