Countries FM - Uninformed Spectator Chat

i’ve deicided 3 things

min is mafia, making the team arctic astand vulgard TL and min, with dota as a lost wolf.
Ami is a neutral killer.
Im going to informed

/beam me up scotty @CRichard564 @Wazza

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bye bread and butter

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I keep telling myself im gunna read the game but i probably wont

Sulit help

I haven’t read game I can’t help

Just read the game.

I decided to ISO vul and hes a big bad wolf


Hes hella LW signaling in this post :joy_cat:

interesting, tbh I’m just vibing and I’m in the Christmas Spirit since I got a metal straw and I’m extremely happy for whatever reason.






Jesus I’ve changed too much.


Can i ask

When is eod and what is VC rn?

Will probably read game fully when day ends

EoD is at 2020-12-06T21:00:00Z

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Accused Voters Count
ArcticXI AtNoName, sculptordwarf, eevee, Nightingale, Vulgard 5/10
an_gorta_pratai Centuries, ArcticXI, astand 3/10
AtNoName rat, clonedcheese 2/10
Centuries Light, Leafia 2/10
Nightingale KyoDaz, min 2/10
Eevee PKR 1/10
Not voting dota, YoubutWorse, an_gorta_pratai, TrustworthyLiberal 4

Current VC.

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Youre the best

I wish this game started next month cuz it’d be fun as hell to play



oh boy looking back at this setup I’d have to disagree :^)

i will read whole game if u do

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I might make another game tbh, idk this one was fun to make, I just don’t know what to base it around

replace me and Chloe in as a hydra

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I feel stupid now

I was gunna say
“From wagon comp, arctic is a bussed wolf”

But i never said it and now im sad!!!