Court Wizard Enchanter Rework

From CW PoV:

Your Ice Enchantment on [x] Was triggered!
Your Fire Enchantment on [x] Was triggered!
Your Purity Enchantment on [x] was Triggered
You Enchanted [x] With [Channeled effect]

From target PoV

You were attacked but immune
Someone tried to occupy you but you are immune
Someone tried to redirect you but you are immune

Oh yeah I need to make an Unseen version. 1 sec

k so letā€™s remove all of this

Feedback really is only meant to actually let the court wizard know they are doing something, aka we donā€™t need the target knowing this

Also you are on thin ice messing with sage be warned

I added sage

Donā€™t worry. He can just make more ice

Nuke this is nice

much more simpler than the current CW

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Very must good grammar

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I gave up grammar just this time

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The feedback on the target is the standard immunity feedback. Since immunity in general gives feedback (besides conversion immunity) that would apply to any temporary forms of it


I would rather make it a viable fake claim

It is. How often do you get attacked in a game

This isnā€™t any more or less confirmable than the current CW who has the same notifications

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honestly this should both be unlimited imo


this makes sage more of a supportive class

me like

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Not on Unseen. BD has lots of potential targets so having it be once per works. Unseen just has the assassin so it would be effectively permanent until the Sage dies

how about unlimited but canā€™t use it twice in a row


3 uses is fine

Also that is 6 nights of abilityā€™s along with unlimited tornadoā€™s

This would be More so a nerf tbh. Itā€™s fine

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