well I should add and clarify… I’m also weighing my decision on avoiding retracts etc… when the inevitable inexperienced masses complain. #1 isn’t bad, it just takes skill and can be detrimental to use blindly, and will be seen as boring/useless to the inexperienced masses, that only come here to complain 15 seconds after a change has been made that they haven’t given a chance to get used to.
#2 I see as digestible to the masses, does not add any huge confirmability issues… it’s an ability that rarely works… but when it does everyone notices and remembers it… similar levels to knight or hunter.
#3. an easier to understand form of empower… however it still fits into the bill of what I’d consider “inevitable retcon”. Using empower blindly, is likely to bite you in the ass (help assasain/cl/reaper bypass occupation etc… could lead to false positives when butler finds occupy immune etc…
#4. I don’t see it satisfying anyone that dosn’t like CW as it is now.
Personally I don’t even see CW as needing to be on the short list for classes that need a revamp. IMO CW is waay near the bottom of classes that need one, king, countering prince meta etc… are way higher up the list IMO. but if he’s near the top because of the inexperienced players complaining that he’s “boring”, I just don’t see the empower forms fixing that.
It’s less of an “I would really want the game to be like this”, and more of a “I’d like the change to actually survive with the community we have”. I also found the no allies 4 guard king the best version of king we’ve had when we played… but I know that’s not an option.
Now if mixing and matching is an option I’d replace version 2’s secondary with say 3 uses of empower. Tornado is a semi-confirmable ability and I’d like to see it go.