Cult in the Jungle Republic 2 - Town Wins


if you’re claiming cop hard claim cop and say specifically who your red check is on
if not, roll over and die

Then I would ask you why tf not just say you got a red check on FK

lulomega thanks for trying to cover for me but cop isnt you lul omegalul

Bazinga… are you dense or something?

Hold on, let me ask Noz. @Ami Do you hard claim Vig?

Honestly, if that tinfoil of Baz being cultist who failed convert on Noz is actually true, it’d be worth for Noz to out as Vig here, since we eliminate a whole scum faction.

An expansion upon this original idea becomes, Bazinga is a cultist, sure. But what if this is planned? He is trying to make it seem like he ‘failed’ his convert on Noz, when in actuality it was successful?


Not on Noz specifically I mean
Just that he got off a convert and is making us paranoid to think there aren’t any remaining cultists

Bus a scumbud as a Cultist? Unlikely, they need numbers to win.

or could just be trying to get noz and himself lynched while theres another cultist out there

Nono, Not that the convert on NOZ was successful

But that he converted someone ELSE successfully

this is pretty much what i’m trying to say yes

problem is, and solic said this, that dead cult members count towards the cult member cap

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i didn’t know that
This means there’s only ever 8 scum total

I think Icibalus is a wolf

@Techwolves can you give your reads list?

yes, which is why i doubt cult would make a gambit like this

unless noz is actually the vig and they want him out so badly. but getting him out is not that important

i dont think bazinga is dumb enough to fake a cop claim as village tbh
