Cult in the Jungle Republic 2 - Town Wins

so i think he’s trying to go 1 for 1 with our real cop


you can’t just call every single attempted gamethrow a reaction test

i missed your second post and I thought that that was what you were getting at nvm

cough sam


downs a creme de menthe shot and pours another before re-reading everything

What the actual hell have I read?!?!? Baz is seriously trying to out the real vig who could have been faked by Noz! Everything we are saying about the vig could have been wrong and may not have been Noz who shot Meme like he claimed. However, what if the vig target was actually Alice? Have we even considered that possibility?

Due to Alice getting better with their scum reading games and what have you, maybe the vig thought that this time Alice might have been scum and decided to Yolo shoot then.

Also @Livicus, you know how you listed the possibility why Marl hasn’t died yet and how you said Maf and whatnot, he still could be scum, but a very lucky Cultist

swiiiing and a miss

meta reads dont work, especially not in a multiball setup like this

Hey, I was adding to the point. I’m not using a meta read as such because it’s kinda true.

We haven’t seen Alice play a scum game yet as such and maybe things might have been different this time


Also, I will apologise that I’m still on freshers, so my activity will be all over the place, especially when studies start, but hopefully eventually I will get used to student life and be able to dedicate time for this, ToL and studies as well as work and maybe societies

Lmao baz taking D1 shitposting seriously


I feel like noz is confirmed not mafia but could be cult RN, the fact is they were like "you are setting me up with memeL I don’t think mafia would say that, as they would have been more like “Go ahead”

As well @Luxy WHY Did you say noz might be a PR


but it cpuld just be a possibility that someone vocal among mafia saw Sarun as a greater threat

@Ashe Sigh

I probably have to /replace out due to events that will happen next week.
My apologies for inconvenience. :confused:


That’s no good :frowning:

@MaximusPrime You’re our remaining backup, all good to replace in?

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Vote Count

Accused Accusers Number of Votes
bazingaboy Livicus, Marluxion, Luxy, techwolves 4/9
Firekitten bazingaboy 1/9
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Save us @MaximusPrime

So what happened?

/vote Tech