Cult in the Jungle Republic 2 - Town Wins

essentially, instead of just trying to vote villagers naturally, powerwolves try to get villagers to vote other villagers as well.

It’s time for me to big brain outta here

i don’t know what to think about Tech, the bazinga vote felt like a filler vote which isn’t the villageriest but from what I hear tech does anti-village shit as both allignments all the time.

Does that mean you’re replacing in?


Kinda busy atm

Give me about an hour and I will show my reads

I have one question, what will happen to twi’s slot?

So Ici whats the deal with your posts being full of bad logical falacies, IIoA, and white knighting pointlessly?

they aren’t?

i have zero clue what you’re trying to get from this

ici go back and read your past 6 posts

just because I want to stop villagers from voting people for bad reasons dosen’t mean I’m whiteknighting.
just because I’m answering people’s questions dosen’t mean I’m using tons of IIoA
just because I’m disagreeing with your personal opinion dosen’t mean my posts are full of “bad logical fallaces”

My quesiton to you is what the purpose of asking me to say why I’m doing obviously wolfy things when you know I’m just going to deny it.

All it feels like to me is that you’re going to try and wolfread me for over-defensiveness when you yourself were clearly fishing for me to post a defence.

very funny
i am already reading you as a wolf so i don’t need an excuse to

What were you really hoping for then, marl? Were you hoping for me to somehow lock clear or lock wolf myself?

I’m genuinely having trouble understanding your thought process this game and I’m starting to suspect you more and more for it.

I mean Marl didn’t die N1 so…

so you think he’s mafia?

You don’t need to understand my train of thought :thinking:

Also, why are you freaking out so much? Does being poked and called a wolf really mess with TOWN ICI that badly?

I don’t think it does

yeah lol


Nah, just sorta memeing around

I do think Tech is scum though.

@Ami Unleash a rain of bullets upon the bagel tonight imo