Cult in the Jungle Republic 2 - Town Wins

Seems legit that the cult “tried to convert you” and they somehow have 3 members

Nah you’re the duped town

It’s Marl and Squid

Nah your scum you can’t trick me.

Well, which theory is it? Cult tried to convert you or did they convert me? Your flip-flop doesn’t help your case here

You don’t know how confident I am that you aren’t cop :clap:

I am not flip flopping

Marl felt bad for your cherry converts you
Then attempts to convert me and fails because cop

btw list your mafia reads as well “mister cop”

Yeah I kinda do.

What if I can’t be converted? Then your argument right there is bullshit

My mafia reads are far less solid. Looking at a couple of people on ici’s wagon like Solic and HTM

Good luck with that.

Vote Count

Accused Accusers Number of Votes
MathBlade bazingaboy, Wolfy, Marluxion, PoisonedSquid, Firekitten, Mathblade 6/7
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Have you really read the whole thread? You would know the truth if you really read it

Boom FireKitten Cop
Squid vig

I claim mafia and am done talking.

I will spam or do video requests.

I still believe Marluxion is a cult who failed his convert.

/vote Self

Since it was missed before

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Oh cool I was right good thing I’m not cop :clap:

Mafia kill me I dare you and see how proud I am when I flip citizen :clap:

Also I expect memes.

Btw, Mafia needs to have the Vig alive to help shoot some Cultists, so don’t shoot Bazinga, okay?

I don’t do memes I do song requests.

I will do I shot the Sheriff just for you

Vig was one of two people and Squid confirmed it for me.

FireKitten cop and Squid Vig