Cult In The Jungle Republic 3 - Rerolling in a New Thread

Scummy post

honestly Alice this is exciting. moves a piece on the chess board


Says the guy that voted a cop claim first instead of the Cultist that outted himself

Very tempted to vig mathblade

@Marcus_Doodalee deal?

I will never leave the cult

Iā€™ll take your cookie bet though

The vigā€™s prioritizing Marl today, as she should.


Nah this isnā€™t how it works, if you are really a good player you would do both.

Cop CLAIM. I have played multiple cult in the jungle and most of the day 2 cop claims are fake. So that doesnā€™t mean anything.

I voted a mafia yes

Vig = She?

He, she, they. Whatever.

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A cop claim thatā€™s actually have read the thread? How about you, Mr. I Donā€™t Need to Read? You just blindly sheep on anyone who looks remotely suspicious

Just vig someone in Squid/Luxy/Marl/Math idc really

@Marcus_Doodalee you either take this bet as townies have no fears or you get hung despite being confirmed Town how is this

Letā€™s just call them The Vig of Indeterminate gender

So you arenā€™t saying I am scum but throwing shade? And you arenā€™t saying I am not wrong you are just saying my actions are wrong. Thanks open wolf making my life easy

I would add Sam to the Vig shot pool, heā€™s not even trying to hide his ā€œLol, Obvious Scumā€ shit

Iā€™ll take the bet, on one condition

I get to stay with my culty bois

but you have to join the unseen deal?

Omgus! Well done even more dirt in the scum mud pile