Cult In The Jungle Republic 3 - Rerolling in a New Thread


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Because Walmart is a POS company. I have heard from multiple people who have worked there lol thatā€™s a good way to be all kinds of messed up.

Only Mafia play such card games, begone!

Are you trying to distance yourself from other scum?

Thatā€™s league of legends :eyes:
hows that a card game

I can buy Sam scum here actually.

So the open wolf mafia is calling me scum litt

I couldnā€™t find any other place to go to get a new pair of glasses. I donā€™t trust Walmart since shit can easily be stolen cough Angry Birds Movies and Pens cough

I laughed so hard in the last 20 seconds

I can sell you a Math/Squid scum team

Iā€™ll take and put it away in the trash it belongs.

However squid is mafia.

Kitten I said yes to your chess question.

I noticed.

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pssst I have this nice deal right here, three delicious scum with a free cop check

Kewl. White or Black? :slight_smile:

donā€™t check obvious scum if you are somehow cop, check the nulls.

However you are obviously not cop.

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Meh, suit yourself, Iā€™ll be dead eventually, but when I flip Cop Oh boy, are you gonna feel dumb

Check me :eyes:
Because the exact reason I wasnā€™t night killed is because scum want to mislynch me