Cult In The Jungle Republic 3 - Rerolling in a New Thread

@Marl Who is scum with Squid?

Squid isn’t fake claiming cop

they are though, it’s only fitting for a open wolfer like you

They are 100% are. we are lynching them at LYLO

Squid is probably the actual cop
she always cracks as a PR the first day you can lynch
it’s her biggest flaw

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/vote Firekitten
You’re mafia. Die

Vig shoots marl tonight

If he flips town he’s just a dumb citizen.

We lynch squid at LYLO


Then scum kill her tonight.

Sooo your point?

In all reasonable worlds Squid is scum. Who is scum with Squid?

uh huh, thou has never played chess

@overthebin @sam17z

oops entered too early

Why are you pinging me you meat head

sigh I’m trying to take a break, just kill me now if you think I’m scum, there’s no reason to wait given the possibility and event I’ll flip Cop which will guarantee a Mafia win. Compare me and Bazinga. One is openwolfing and one is not. Look up the definition of openwolfing and tell me I’m openwolfing one more time

We wait for lylo and ignore everything you say

You are openwolfing

Marl reread the thread and come and play chess

@overthebin @bazingaboy @PoisonedSquid @Sam17z

Low Hanging Fruit It’s time to (Gamers) rise up

We won’t settle for these injustices any longer
WE ARE TOWN (or one of you is probably a cultist but i digress, i can abuse your vote still)

Today we fight back against the feline menace that casts shade upon us

Raise your fist and unleash your warcry with a
/vote Firekitten

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/vote Marl for calling me low hanging fruit

@Ami gamers rise up etc etc

Stop playing tic tac toe