Cult In The Jungle Republic 3 - Rerolling in a New Thread

VC Pending.


Lynch me right now if you think Iā€™m fucking wolf, donā€™t be a pussy

Im not vigi

Cop wouldnā€™t say that, I take back everything Iā€™ve said.

No the reason we know squid isnā€™t cop is the bread crumb

I know you want your scum buddy dead asap, but we wait till lylo

@Ashe Can I modkill myself to help me focus on my mental health? Itā€™s killing me

Modkill yourself at lylo my dude

just replace out, red pm is tuf

Like Noz said, I need to step away

Weā€™ve got backups, you can replace out if you want

Actually donā€™t do that either

Stop. Taunting people isnā€™t fun


No, I want to modkill myself, I want to prove these dumbasses wrong

Please be nice people

I am teasing but only about the play not the person

All of you are super nice outside of mafia

Flagged maximusā€™s Post itā€™s inappropriate

thatā€™s against the rules you canā€™t kill your self, just like you canā€™t concede :stuck_out_tongue:

Smh scumteams who concede cough livicus

(Also squid I hope you take no offense to this and Iā€™m sorry if I sound rude)