Cult In The Jungle Republic 3 - Rerolling in a New Thread

Sorc doesn’t have that

I dont like non Pr role games

it’s literally a PR game

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But its not rolemadness :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

rolemadness doesn’t equal PR game

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Hey guys, I think I found AAA Image result for drop bear

I love hugs! uwu


It does for me. Its gotta have crazy roles

shoots scum in row, Gets blacklisted, feels bad man, ending my legacy

Well I only give /pats are those okay?

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Good luck Fk I believe in you! (And your scum team)

It’s because you only play the game if you get a power role >:(


What ever you do. DON’T GIVE ME CULT. Do you accept bribes


Do I in or out


I’m going to /spec this one



That makes 4 games, Luxy

Oh well you’ll probably die in a couple :slight_smile:

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